MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > Delivering on the Greatness of the first...

Delivering on the Greatness of the first two films

I wonder if Civil War can even match the hype generated at this juncture? Winter Soldier was so good that are expectations too high?

I have no doubt that Civil War is going to be exceptional but how perfect does it have to be? Example: I liked Spider-Man 3 even though I admit it has flaws. Yet, the amount of distasteful residue it generated stemmed a great deal because it followed Spider-Man 2 which is as close to perfect as a sequel can get. People label Winter Soldier as the best sequel ever so how will that come in to play?


I'm hoping this surpasses both.

Which is damn hard but "Cap-3" has the MCU (something no other 3-quel has had) going for it. Civil War is unique in that it is Chapter 13 of at least 50!!!

No story in Cinematic History has ever had this much texture.

This 5 min MCU-Exchange vid is testimonial proof to the amount of TLC Marvel has poured into getting us all this far!!!</a>;

Still Incredible!!!

Dark Knight is no Casablanca
Judge not, lest ye be judged.Jesus
OOOOOH What a hippo-twit!!! Tweety


That 5 minute video.. Lmao. Wow. So the mcu in all its standing can be boiled down to 5 minutes ignoring everything else that overshadows it?

"It's not who I am behind the screen but what I post that defines me"


Wow ... the depth of your disdain is dripping with disgust!!!

What a Cunning Stunt!

Casting Shade is nothing new on these boards.

But reaching beyond the obvious...

Criticizing with no regard for Efforts Beyond Exceptional Artistry...

Your "Sig" condemns your hollow mockery for what it is...

Artistic Jealousy and Shallow Mockery!!!

As though You could concieve better...

Must Suck to be You!!!

Trolls... so sad.

Dark Knight is no Casablanca
Judge not, lest ye be judged.Jesus
OOOOOH What a hippo-twit!!! Tweety


Everyone loved the first two films (everyone that matters) so why should anyone think the Russos or Marvel would blow it now?


Never ever underestimate Marvel unless you can't learn from history.


And that's certainly nothing to take lightly.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."


IMO the reasons why Spidey 3 was bad had absolutely nothing to do with how good 2 was. It's not bad by comparison, it's simply bad.

I'm not one to really care about hype. The important thing to me is the answer to this question.

Is the movie great or not? It's a bit unrealistic to go into these movies always expecting them to be bigger and better. With that being said, i think this movie is going to deliver. There's no reason to believe otherwise.

---Straight outta Strontia---


I agree about Spidey 3 not living up to the hype because it just sucked. It got too busy with three villains and awful handling of Peter when under the influence of the Symbiote. Dialogue was corny, venom was poorly handled, although I kind of liked Sandman and a few of Green Goblin's lines.


That's just it, people repeat "Spider-Man 3 sucked" so many times that myth becomes like fact. The movie is overstuffed and that resulted in a terrible Venom and a bit of convenient cheese. Yet, it IS a good film overall. It's not great like SM2 or even the best of the MCU by any means. It's judged harshly because people go on memory of the days after it was released. In those days, following SM2 was a hindrance to be sure. If you brake down SM3 now solely on its own merit, it legitimately can't fall below a 7/10.


Civil War is the pinnacle of not just longform storytelling but the genre itself. It's as ambitious as Spider-Man 3 but it does everything better. Civil War certainly craps all over Nolan's Batman trilogy.


Makes me happy enough.


Even a bad writer in the current books can't take away true fan happiness that they delivered with these films. Take heart!


Adios to an era.

"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."


I really hope (and believe) it will be a success. While I think IM3 an AoU both faltered to their hype trains, the first 2 capt. movies are pleasingly different which lends well to CW. Also with the (Russo Brox) tone, it may feel more like a sequel to WS than a part 3 of a trilogy.


A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers. Going with everyone in Cap 3 made perfect sense.


So now the first movie is a "masterpiece" too ?! It nearly bombed, and it made Cap a joke, until that "all time classic" Winter Soldier!

People's Choice Awards Action Star 2015: CHRIS HEMSWORTH, for carrying AOU as THE MIGHTY THOR :D!!


According to the people who got to attend the screen test, it's just as good as WS, if not better. So I have high hopes, though I know this movie is going to destroy me since Tony and Steve are both my favorite characters and one of them is going to die.


Keep those hopes high because this movie is even better than the critics are raving.


Got to see it a few days ago (it premiered April 28 here in Denmark), and it really was incredible. It's got me so hyped for Spider Man and Black Panther's movies. I only had two complaints, but it's definitely one of the best MCU movies out there.


What were the two problems?


There are none. I still can't believe that they did it! Most everyone agrees that Avengers held the title as best ever but now there is a true debate between the two. Those magnificent bastards over at Marvel actually pulled it off!


No one and no franchise has ever done it better.;feature=player_embedded


Happy Steve Rogers Birthday!


Three hits that elevate the genre all by themselves.



This movie is as great as a 2012 Chevrolet Camaro SS!

I accept your surrender.


Life is pain and the enjoyment of Marvel movies is an anesthetic.

No matter what, Civil War will be worth the price of admission.

The experts like these guys are all saying that it has done it. I guess it's up to everyone else to decide in May.

I accept your surrender.


That's not buzz, that's truth.


There's no substitute for doing it right.


We fans don't need to sell it. Marvel sells itself now.;feature=player_embedded
