MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > Civil War will get smashed by X-Men Apoc...

Civil War will get smashed by X-Men Apocalypse!!!

It's beginning!!!

Marvel fanboys will cry like they always do, they'll say "Singer doesn't understand X-Men"...

They'll say Singer is a rapist, but maybe they're right. Maybe Singer raped their dreams of seeing X-Men back to MCU.

Fox is really confident about Apocalypse. I bet he's probably gonna be a good villain, surprising a lot of people, just like Quicksilver won critics and audiences in DOPF. Does anybody remember that hobo from AOU? I missed any kind of reference to him, after his death. It's like he never existed! Not even his sister talks or even mentions him. 

Marvel did it right, by killing that bastard.



I'm talking about critics and reviews. It's my fault, I didn't say I was talking about critics.

CW's average rating is dropping fast. DOFP has the same rating.


It's actually higher 91 percent of the reviewers liked it, but it has a rating of 7.7/10, it's raising, in fact it had a 92 percent once then it went to 93

BringXMENandFFtotheMCU, can't wait for Final Fantasy XV(PC) yes it must be on PC, #no900p


Apocalypse looks slightly less like Ivan Ooze now. I am looking forward to it, but Grace Randolph is just one of those people I want to punch. I don't know why. She just is.


Are you even old enough to have seen power rangers when it came out? I thought not.

Fall back.

Trolls - Sinister,Scinfaxi,GarrettWNNH,Sammd,Thatguy,Bud47,Darklight,Gomezadams,durandwhit30


The Japanese version, no. The American version with Tommy Oliver as the green ranger yes.

I now joke about how Jason was such a sh!tty leader Zordon had to create a whole new power ranger coin to oust him.


That 'Civil War' won't stay at the top on the third week we already know...


I love the X-Men, but I have no desire to see this, simply because I am sick to death of Jennifer Lawrence.

Handymen, Earl. We are handy-men!


Not only you. But you know, "The Hunger Games" ended and she can't be homeless. Everybody needs a franchise nowadays.


She needs to stick with David O'Russell Oscar-bait flicks and leave the superhero genre alone.

Handymen, Earl. We are handy-men!


Well at least she not in tomb raider. They cast Alicia Vikander who was in the Danish girl


I am sick to death of Jennifer Lawrence.

Oh, I get what you're saying, but there are other actors in the movie. So, you could watch it despite Jennifer Lawrence.


If she was just a supporting character, perhaps, but Bryan Singer insists on putting her front and center, to the absurd point that she/Mystique has somehow become the unofficial leader of the X-Men.

I'll just wait for the DVD and FF through her scenes.

Handymen, Earl. We are handy-men!


Bryan Singer would rather have Jackman in the main role. He can't have him again, so what Fox can do? They need a really big name on the poster. But in reality, this movie belongs to other characters. There's an interview with John Ottman (editor/composer/co-producer) and he says it's Magneto/Jean Grey movie.


I can't stand her but I'll still see it anyways. Hopefully she doesn't take me out of the movie

---Straight outta Strontia---


No one is checking for X-Men and that terrible cast.

Alexandra Shipp's Storm will be wretched!


No one is checking for X-Men and that terrible cast.

You keep telling yourself that, buddy. 


Won't happen, and Civil War's average will most likely rise, and it still has a better metacritic score while having more reviews.
BringXMENandFFtotheMCU, can't wait for Final Fantasy XV(PC) yes it must be on PC, #no900p


Won't happen, and Civil War's average will most likely rise

Critics average score has dropped since its release, and you know it.

That's because many fresh reviews aren't really fresh. Some critics say the movie is just ok and slap a fresh review. Other say it's 5/10, but it ends being considered fresh...

People are watching this movie for what it really is, and not because critics are overhyping it like hell.


Yet it's metacritic it's still higher than DOFP with more reviews, and the Audience has the score at a 4.4/5

BringXMENandFFtotheMCU, can't wait for Final Fantasy XV(PC) yes it must be on PC, #no900p


Perhaps I am a Marvel fangirl, but damn as much as an X-men (comic) fan as I am, even when I enjoy those films just because they're X-men on screen, I still think they are terribly average films. There's just something about them that makes me feel they're all incomplete. And now the new one is reaching BvS level of destruction and I want to cry in a corner even though I know I'm going to drag myself to see that thing in a theater.

It's gotten to the point where I just don't even care what the hell they're doing with the X-Men, as long as there is any X-Men on a screen I will see it.

Darkness. No Parents. Continued Darkness. More Darkness. Get it? THE OPPOSITE OF LIGHT!!!


It's because Singer refuses to expand beyond a few key characters and tell other mutant stories. To him, Magneto, Wolverine, Xavier, Jean Grey, and Mystique are the only mutants from the entire comics that are worthy of his movies.

Handymen, Earl. We are handy-men!


I've always been disappointed in the way Storm has been downplayed in the movies. In all three of the animated series, she is a more complex character than some of those you've mentioned above. At least in my opinion.


The early embargo lift is definitely a good sign.


So did Age of Ultron right?, and critics didn't like it as much as the original movie, this is getting it's embargo lifted 9 days before it releases, while Civil War is still in theaters, I hope they aren't trying to ride the Civil War hype, and try to trick people into thinking this takes place before Civil War.

BringXMENandFFtotheMCU, can't wait for Final Fantasy XV(PC) yes it must be on PC, #no900p
