MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > Is Civil War the peak of the comicbook m...

Is Civil War the peak of the comicbook movie genre?

Or is there still some life left in it between now and infinity war? Civil War is gonna be hard to top on both sides.



It very well could be. Expectations will be unrealistic for Infinity War.


Sadly, that's probably true. If there were ever a movie that warranted making a real effort to avoid the pre-release hype, that would be it. It's what I plan to do.


All I know is that I'm off to watch it again this time in IMAX!

Yay for me. Everyone should catch it at least once in IMAX.


IMAX is a mixed bag if the movie isn't actually shot in 3D.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."


I agree. With each major MCU movie, the expectations keep going up and i think Civil War has put them in a place that's going to be really hard to live up to, especially with it being the Russo bros after two fantastic films.

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Just to clarify, are you saying that you think 'Captain America: Civil War' is the best comic book movie that's ever been made?

We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.


Let's just say that Captain America: Civil War is the best movie to be released so far this year and then go from there.


That's definitely a much better comment! Certainly much closer to reality and much easier to defend. However ... are you saying it's the best comic book and/or superhero movie, or the best movie of any kind, in any genre?

We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.


Yes, Civil War is the best comic book movie ever made, especially when you consider the kind of challenges the filmmakers had to face.

I personally liked Winter Soldier more. I found The Avengers was more enjoyable. The Dark Knight had more awards, but I truly think Civil War is a BETTER comic book movie than all of them.


You don't break 7 billion in a single year as a studio unless you are doing something right.


It could have been the peak of the MCU, it didn't reach it though.


To take comic books successfully into space would be a big deal if successful after GOTG.

A Star Wars style version would be truly epic.

Civil War is far from the peak.

I think DC could have that with GL and the League if they get it right. Storylines like the Anti-Monitor saga and Blackest Night/Brightest Day would be epic.

I think Disney can top itself for sure.


Well, in my opinion that was Batman Returns, so, in my opinion, no.


It finished off the best trilogy in CBM history. That can't even be credibly argued against. So, maybe it is the pinnacle.


Nolan Batman fans can argue credibly against that. Though personally I thought both Cap and Batman trilogies started out with their best movie, the second was very good and the third sort of fizzled out.


It finished off the best trilogy in CBM history. That can't even be credibly argued against. So, maybe it is the pinnacle.



I would agree with best CBM trilogy, but probably not go as far as best trilogy overall.

The Nolan trilogy is a close second. Begins has a great story, Knight had a great villain, but Rises was just kind of an action movie that went a direction no one anticipated (time jump, police state, exiled abroad, nuclear bomb?!?). Good movie overall, but far below the quality of the other two because of the wild plot pieces.

Cap trilogy has three excellent installments. First Avenger is a great period piece and human story (by this I mean the movie thrives on Steve's human connections to Peggy, Bucky, and the Doctor), Winter Soldier is a great political thriller (with AMAZING hand to hand sequences, the bridge fight still gives me chills), and Civil War is the emotional powerhouse on an epic scale.

The real question is whether it is technically fair to include the Cap trilogy since it draws so much from movies outside the trilogy. I mean, the entire final fight scene would have no emotional stakes if we had not been watching Tony Stark for the past 8 years, and the airport fight scene would be far less important if they were random people fighting and not former comrades in arms who we have witnessed and enjoyed watching interact in non-Cap movies.

All in all I include it, and am excited for a MCU future where character frequently go from each other movies (RDJ in Spidey, etc). That's what made the comics great and it's exciting to see it on the screen. Plus it would be unrealistic for them to NOT at this point, with the current state of their universe and the # of superheroes.



Justice League will be the peak. But the air is starting to come out of the superhero movie balloon.


Justice League will be the peak.

I hate to say it, but I think BvS was already the peak for DC. After the mixed audience reception, the huge box office underperformance, and the critical slamming, BvS ruined DC's chance to play with the big boys. Unless "Suicide Squad," "Wonder Woman," and "Justice League" turn out to be unusually solid, the franchise has reached the ceiling.

But the air is starting to come out of the superhero movie balloon.

Let's wait and see on that one. Only a downward overall trend in box office grosses will be able to tell if that's true or not. However, if and when the balloon does come down, it'll probably be sometime within the next 4 or 5 years.

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