MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > This was the perfect super hero film

This was the perfect super hero film

Finally saw the film last night and loved it. This is everything a super hero film should be. Watching all these super heroes in one film, watching them go at it was a sight to behold. Loved the new additions to the universe, black panther and spider-man. This is very much captain america's film. You're meant to side with him and it is mainly about him. Captain america is easily the best trilogy of super hero films, each one tops the last in amazing ways


His schtick has always been the moral high ground, even above friends, job, and self.

they've done a great job using it to make conflict and drive the narratives.

Stupid comments will be ignored. Good luck!


It wasn't afraid to be a comic book movie which I like and there was no false delusions or pretensions that's why I liked CW.


All three Captain America films were perfection.

The best trilogy by far.


I would have to disagree with your statements. I completely understand where you're coming from but I really disagree.


I have to say, the Captain America films are my favorite of the newer Marvel films. This one was especially great. I even liked the new Spidey, although I wish they'ed stuck to his original uniform.I was really skeptical after the Garfield films, but this new guy really captured the character. And seeing Giant-Man was incredible!

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


CA: Civil War is awesome It had non-stop action from star to finish & kept you engaged for the entire movie , Black Panther & Spiderman were very well done & Spiderman gets way more screen time than I expected -Civil War is my no1 Marvel movie...



It's hard to argue that fact with only two months to go in the movie year.


Is it not hard to switch between numerous sock accounts to write same generic *beep* about MCU movies?


Perfect in more ways than one.


Still haven't seen it, but if equal or better than "WS" I'll be satisfied! It seems to be non-stop action so it should be entertaining! Looking forward to it finally hitting cable or someone drops the disk on me! I'm patient!  

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


Not only that but it's Marvel's best Blu-ray release ever. They usually skimp on the extras but they were all quite good here.

I accept your surrender.


Epic, powerful, funny, spectacular, etc. It's perfect indeed.

Really hard to imagine Marvel topping this one.... then again, that's how I felt about the previous ones.

You want something corny? You got it!


Epic, powerful, funny, spectacular, etc. It's perfect indeed.

Really hard to imagine Marvel topping this one.... then again, that's how I felt about the previous ones.

Well stated. If anyone can do it the Russos can. Remember, they'll also have Guardians and THOR to play with in Infinity War!


The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."
