Who is in your Ignore list?

With the impending closure of the IMDB message boards you should all publish your personal list of ignored users. Admittedly mine isn't very large as I just tended to dismiss the most annoying posters but every once in awhile to tidy up my screen I'd ignore a poste from time to time.

In looking at my list now and I only recognize a few but couldn't tell you just why they made my ignore list. What's in YOUR wallet?!

Ignored Users
user bringjoy-40739
user The-CreepyThinMan
user dvts
user erimakmur
user illvvgsj
user Rec_Warden
user kakimansjaxa
user edenkansjncha
user x-Joby-Dimms-x
user nahisnxkans
user takemethereandfun
user SpaceRain
user jadedintermissi
user aw-55645
user lance012012
user andramus
user yanivpro2013
user Josh_Trank
user Joaquim_VI
user jenniejohnson099
user UKnowTheGovernatorIsARoidsJunky
user Ramboman24
user MCkrg33
user NEWCkrgenius
user DarkNegroReturns
user nenechulolife
user GovernatorsRoidRageCCardNo
user HorriblenessOfBenoitSteroids
user pocoo16-1
user HorribleBenoitSteroids

I can give you the one thing that even the great Galactus needs!


image for user stan-18673stan-18673
image for user SnYDERISTSnYDERIST
image for user Joby_Dimms_vJoby_Dimms_v
image for user prank_garrettprank_garrett
image for user apriloishapriloish
image for user sandy182sandy182
image for user the_aids_giverthe_aids_giver
image for user jstang411jstang411
image for user waggelearwaggelear
image for user Joby_Dimms_reviewsJoby_Dimms_reviews
image for user JerseyCrimeLordJerseyCrimeLord
image for user Tommy238Tommy238
image for user ShanghaiJoeShanghaiJoe
image for user DarkLight-14DarkLight-14
image for user thebricksthebricks
image for user The-PurgeThe-Purge
image for user waggelaarwaggelaar
image for user bringjoy-40739bringjoy-40739
image for user jimbluesmanprokoschjimbluesmanprokosch
image for user voight84voight84
image for user HollywoodRacismHollywoodRacism
image for user Mack_357Mack_357
image for user wormhole9000wormhole9000
image for user AsianEqualityNowAsianEqualityNow
image for user skankhunter42skankhunter42
image for user Prince_of_IMDbPrince_of_IMDb
image for user HaxxegoneHaxxegone
image for user Furious-StyIes77Furious-StyIes77
image for user divisionbell-2divisionbell-2
image for user TomsWindowTomsWindow
image for user ArrowsIingerArrowsIinger
image for user oblivionassoblivionass
image for user Mellow-FellowMellow-Fellow
image for user danlokidanloki
image for user Abraxas88Abraxas88
image for user shanayneighshanayneigh
image for user MasterOfTheMysticArtzMasterOfTheMysticArtz
image for user ddmagic38ddmagic38
image for user waspfan33waspfan33
image for user mpcpotmpcpot
image for user iamtherobotmaniamtherobotman
image for user Wormhole999Wormhole999
image for user julianmarqjulianmarq
image for user ForestOfFearForestOfFear
image for user JasonRebourneJasonRebourne
image for user isaackirbyisaackirby
image for user mh-newressistancemh-newressistance
image for user darrenagyendarrenagyen
image for user Rey_KahukaRey_Kahuka
image for user paulgureghianpaulgureghian
image for user justinscheepers-72818justinscheepers-72818
image for user Cult_of_KibnerCult_of_Kibner
image for user aoshinaaoshina
image for user TheMovieEnthusiastTheMovieEnthusiast
image for user Chris-AuChris-Au
image for user bendickson1979bendickson1979
image for user Ioan_DuRacellIoan_DuRacell
image for user Donnie_DarkrrDonnie_Darkrr
image for user tectashtectash
image for user burterikssonburteriksson
image for user lesliekoch-33002lesliekoch-33002
image for user CulfyCulfy
image for user skyisblue-19760skyisblue-19760
image for user TheMightyThor2TheMightyThor2
image for user amazinggirlsamazinggirls
image for user crotchrocketcrotchrocket
image for user howoldamihowoldami
image for user cinlescinles
image for user Portrait-of-a-StatuePortrait-of-a-Statue
image for user nickbaker9nickbaker9
image for user matt_shadematt_shade
image for user elsabillaraihanielsabillaraihani
image for user cbookout1cbookout1
image for user cheeso65cheeso65
image for user WhatlarksWhatlarks
image for user solomandawnsolomandawn
image for user jeffmelchior4jeffmelchior4
image for user jaidyhawpsonjaidyhawpson
image for user Amber555Amber555
image for user Kayley131Kayley131
image for user FergusAminoFergusAmino
image for user WhiteHatManWhiteHatMan
image for user Doctor_J_ZoidbergDoctor_J_Zoidberg
image for user GerkanoFalistoGerkanoFalisto
image for user thedesolatesonthedesolateson
image for user RokuApple3RokuApple3
image for user MagnetizeThemOutMagnetizeThemOut
image for user MisterMagicOneMisterMagicOne
image for user irehawkirehawk
image for user patdog12241982patdog12241982
image for user OddsAreIAmRightOddsAreIAmRight
image for user tightspotkilotightspotkilo
image for user XXXXshogunXXXX-1XXXXshogunXXXX-1
image for user thewolfchildthewolfchild
image for user r-hudson13r-hudson13
image for user jdiz115jdiz115
image for user monkierench2000-1monkierench2000-1
image for user dvtsdvts
image for user PreachCalebPreachCaleb
image for user Mr_ResidentEvilMr_ResidentEvil
image for user Memento288Memento288
image for user hoosier95-551-986445hoosier95-551-986445
image for user ThomasMufThomasMuf
image for user McDoggerMcDogger
image for user alibaba3317alibaba3317
image for user rndhydrndhyd
image for user jumpmuffinjumpmuffin
image for user lukejbarnett2002lukejbarnett2002
image for user oocpakaoocpaka
image for user justintruaxjustintruax
image for user SpookyZeShadowSpookyZeShadow
image for user gsfsugsfsu
image for user GalvatronType_RGalvatronType_R
image for user all_sort_of_smashall_sort_of_smash
image for user Hormel_MelHormel_Mel
image for user randolphinofthetwangrandolphinofthetwang
image for user IsraelMurdersKidsIsraelMurdersKids
image for user SoodinumSoodinum
image for user michaeldeckermichaeldecker
image for user CaptainAmericaSuxCaptainAmericaSux
image for user james0070james0070
image for user commaspace9commaspace9
image for user beersandshotsbeersandshots
image for user dj_salman_abiddj_salman_abid
image for user mfoley84mfoley84
image for user musicbytesmusicbytes
image for user coldnapscoldnaps
image for user jmichael3387jmichael3387
image for user grontygrontgrontygront
image for user carrot_handvocarrot_handvo
image for user RvrgmRvrgm
image for user morpheus_neo2290morpheus_neo2290
image for user morris45morris45
image for user KlngOfTheBoardsKlngOfTheBoards
image for user ParanoidAndroid97ParanoidAndroid97
image for user gusninjagusninja
image for user ExceptionalJoeExceptionalJoe
image for user jay29312jay29312
image for user mx334mx334
image for user UmakemyheadswimUmakemyheadswim
image for user HZ-FcB-97HZ-FcB-97
image for user LandofreeLandofree
image for user q_leo_rahmanq_leo_rahman
image for user Open-ValveOpen-Valve
image for user sackofwhinesackofwhine
image for user VberneVberne
image for user summeririssummeriris

I used to have more but then I realized that the spam bots would be gone in a few days so I didn't need to have them on ignore. I also went through and removed a bunch of them and posters who hadn't posted in over a year because I was tired of scrolling through all of the names.

Most of them on my list were trolls.


You were quite direct in keeping order for your IMDB sessions by going right after your personal irritants. I even recognize posters on your Text-Wall of Fame.
Hope to continue seeing you around some where, some place, some how.๎€

I can give you the one thing that even the great Galactus needs!


I know I got pissed when I kept having to put Joby and wormhole on ignore. Some of them like mrs newhouse are racists and that's why I put them on ignore.

I don't mind people who disagree with me if they can support their beliefs. But trolls are trolls and anyone who cannot give an intellectually honest debate about their beliefs doesn't need to be seen.


I don't mind people who disagree with me if they can support their beliefs. But trolls are trolls and anyone who cannot give an intellectually honest debate about their beliefs doesn't need to be seen.

Yeah I know you are so genuine and diplomatic when you disagree. That explains why I got called an idiot for finding Ledger's Joker funny and preferring him over Nicholson's right?


Yeah I know you are so genuine and diplomatic when you disagree. That explains why I got called an idiot for finding Ledger's Joker funny and preferring him over Nicholson's right?
And it is just this type of back and forth behavior that demonstrates why IMDB_Users can't have nice things! ๎€

You should have put him on ignore!
I can give you the one thing that even the great Galactus needs!


And it is just this type of back and forth behavior that demonstrates why IMDB_Users can't have nice things!


You should have put him on ignore!

Nah why do that when it is so much fun to watch someone so stupid?


Your posting clock is ticking...... Make a decision

https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/271110-captain-america-civil-war/discuss/5898f9e892514164720007e6 Just a suggestion.

I can give you the one thing that even the great Galactus needs!



No, you are a typical 12 year old fanboi for liking Ledger's JINO. It is your blind devotion to Nolan combined with you going ape-sh!t crazy screaming about Burton that makes you a f(cking retard. Especially after the rest of us told you that we don't hate all Nolan movies.

But, you are too stupid to understand that, so f(ck off come breath. Go back to The Dull Knight Rests board and keep sucking off Hippo.


So far The Movie Database is not only structured for my tastes there is an active debate on the pros and cons https://www.themoviedb.org/talk/5894e6e0c3a368089b000e1e which is a great read in and of itself.

Your reply to whoever deleted their post is the type of response that is being debated as to the pros and cons of the type and extent of moderation and censorship needed for The Movie Database forums.

You should share your thoughts over there if you haven't already done so. ๎€

I can give you the one thing that even the great Galactus needs!


Ignored Users

image for user ScozzeseScozzese
image for user matt_shadematt_shade
image for user tallypiketallypike
image for user Joby_Dimms_reviewsJoby_Dimms_reviews
image for user TyrantByChoiceTyrantByChoice
image for user c_Joby_Dimms_cc_Joby_Dimms_c
image for user Furious_Styles77Furious_Styles77
image for user GavinHeisenbergGavinHeisenberg
image for user acsmeacsme
image for user bringjoy-40739bringjoy-40739
image for user retro4retro4
image for user EastwickJacksinEastwickJacksin
image for user Oubliete-MidasOubliete-Midas
image for user knightfall182knightfall182
image for user jacob21199jacob21199
image for user hillaryimdbhillaryimdb
image for user WpgJetsFan80WpgJetsFan80
image for user BlackHole626BlackHole626
image for user GarrettWNHLGarrettWNHL
image for user Lord_OrsonLord_Orson
image for user DarkLight-14DarkLight-14
image for user Hobo-WarHobo-War
image for user DesiriedFXDesiriedFX
image for user Max_cinefillo89Max_cinefillo89
image for user MrAndreCedenoMrAndreCedeno
image for user tyrexdentyrexden
image for user MisterFranksMisterFranks
image for user CedenoTheManCedenoTheMan
image for user o_Joby_Dimms_oo_Joby_Dimms_o
image for user HollywoodRacismHollywoodRacism
image for user justaherojustahero
image for user jorgito2001jorgito2001
image for user Bladebrown22Bladebrown22
image for user Tommy238Tommy238
image for user AsianEqualityNowAsianEqualityNow
image for user o-Joby-Dimms-oo-Joby-Dimms-o
image for user Idle_SnailIdle_Snail
image for user Captain_GuylinerCaptain_Guyliner
image for user General_AckbarGeneral_Ackbar
image for user drunkensailor-36853drunkensailor-36853
image for user DoneNDustedDoneNDusted
image for user Joby-Dimms-xJoby-Dimms-x
image for user kubrick-60891kubrick-60891
image for user TomShouldHaveChoseMayTomShouldHaveChoseMay
image for user goingshoppingbrokegoingshoppingbroke
image for user thebricksthebricks
image for user alaxton96alaxton96
image for user aliandro-61686aliandro-61686
image for user apriloishapriloish
image for user darkpastdarkpast
image for user nakdncbsijdjanakdncbsijdja
image for user TrollInTheDungeonTrollInTheDungeon
image for user Rec_WardenRec_Warden
image for user FemTardFrequencyFemTardFrequency
image for user QCTeamkillQCTeamkill
image for user ArrowsIingerArrowsIinger
image for user Flamboyant_Little_DevilFlamboyant_Little_Devil
image for user StefanMichaelStefanMichael
image for user Cedeno321Cedeno321
image for user jbrammers7jbrammers7
image for user jonhedojonhedo
image for user RacistHunkyAsianStud_1RacistHunkyAsianStud_1
image for user thehallowayboysthehallowayboys
image for user trayvon_browntrayvon_brown
image for user UmbragomUmbragom
image for user ecartman12-466-390990ecartman12-466-390990
image for user gabrieltoshgabrieltosh
image for user MasterOfTheMysticArtzMasterOfTheMysticArtz
image for user manikfnssjfbmanikfnssjfb
image for user halisibinahalisibina
image for user DoctorDoom62DoctorDoom62
image for user kayssyakanakayssyakana
image for user ThefirstVigilanteThefirstVigilante
image for user lewiswagnerlewiswagner
image for user Endology2014Endology2014
image for user lorenesanchezlorenesanchez
image for user xutisifxutisif
image for user kakimansjaxakakimansjaxa
image for user Joby-DimmsJoby-Dimms
image for user edenkansjnchaedenkansjncha
image for user nahisnxkansnahisnxkans
image for user AndreCedenoMLGAndreCedenoMLG
image for user AndresaurusAndresaurus
image for user faksnlainskajfaksnlainskaj
image for user jennyfryejennyfrye
image for user jadedintermissijadedintermissi
image for user jianmolejianmole
image for user stanleyjeanninestanleyjeannine
image for user azaenalazaenal
image for user aw-55645aw-55645
image for user directorscutdirectorscut
image for user gallowaymarquitagallowaymarquita
image for user crityrececrityrece
image for user nista-52646nista-52646
image for user dadanhidayat-49958dadanhidayat-49958
image for user viantisoniviantisoni
image for user nianininanianinina
image for user michaeljohns-42986michaeljohns-42986
image for user cadevfacadevfa
image for user mamangnasetanmamangnasetan
image for user himawaridasmhimawaridasm
image for user IsraelMurdersKidsIsraelMurdersKids
image for user genereagan76-135-917127genereagan76-135-917127
image for user Deathstroke01Deathstroke01
image for user AnthonyMembraeAnthonyMembrae
image for user hughrobertsonhughrobertson
image for user AndreCedeno420AndreCedeno420
image for user GomezAdams666GomezAdams666
image for user Scinfaxi_20999Scinfaxi_20999
image for user ceemonkeyceemonkey
image for user d_myerssd_myerss
image for user A-to-ZZZA-to-ZZZ
image for user Killy-69Killy-69
image for user BrunoAntonyBrunoAntony
image for user KodziIla88KodziIla88
image for user TheoriginaljeremyyTheoriginaljeremyy
image for user Alinezen-1Alinezen-1
image for user howoldamihowoldami
image for user lorettamcknightlorettamcknight
image for user adrowadrowadrowadrow
image for user fairybabie-80074fairybabie-80074
image for user The-PurgeThe-Purge
image for user MCUisforkidsMCUisforkids
image for user DirectorJoshTrankDirectorJoshTrank
image for user Mike_David_GressMike_David_Gress
image for user SloppyMcfloppySloppyMcfloppy
image for user Extra_account1Extra_account1
image for user friendlyboy312friendlyboy312
image for user kimgraves-84073kimgraves-84073
image for user MovieFreak6835MovieFreak6835
image for user iLikemovingimageziLikemovingimagez
image for user Welcome_to_the_planet_kal_elWelcome_to_the_planet_kal_el
image for user Im_DisappointedIm_Disappointed
image for user ChazzJazzChazzJazz
image for user lver_Biggunlver_Biggun
image for user KaneKillerKaneKiller
image for user billbrown7170billbrown7170
image for user Iver_BiggunIver_Biggun
image for user Sorcerer_SupremeSorcerer_Supreme
image for user wallsfish-87115wallsfish-87115
image for user TheMiightyThor2TheMiightyThor2
image for user wormhole9000wormhole9000
image for user Wormhole999Wormhole999
image for user Achilles74Achilles74
image for user JustAViewJustAView
image for user Knowby_WarriorKnowby_Warrior
image for user trpeatrpea
image for user TamburrinManTamburrinMan
image for user jaidyhawpsonjaidyhawpson
image for user HaxxegoneHaxxegone
image for user Amber555Amber555
image for user Furious-StyIes77Furious-StyIes77
image for user PaulLandsPaulLands
image for user FergusAminoFergusAmino
image for user waggelearwaggelear
image for user OliSeemannOliSeemann
image for user kaledolfinkaledolfin
image for user AgentSparkyXAgentSparkyX
image for user JerseyCrimeLordJerseyCrimeLord
image for user Cyclo RiderCyclo Rider
image for user MarjeezMarjeez
image for user BirdmanT7BirdmanT7
image for user lRoadAlRoadA
image for user CrazySexyBeastCrazySexyBeast
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image for user mmmK-UltrammmK-Ultra
image for user QuotaboyQuotaboy
image for user ThreeXYZThreeXYZ
image for user gannincussgannincuss
image for user NotJoshTrankNotJoshTrank
image for user likeindianialikeindiania
image for user Mister-Sinister-IIIIMister-Sinister-IIII
image for user NottJoshTrankNottJoshTrank
image for user DeadOrAliveYerComingWithMeDeadOrAliveYerComingWithMe
image for user TheBlackPhoenixTheBlackPhoenix
image for user GannincusGannincus
image for user Haack_SnyderHaack_Snyder
image for user TheMightyThor12TheMightyThor12
image for user Protocol_of_ZionProtocol_of_Zion
image for user nicholasdicksonnicholasdickson
image for user michaelcarver-49333michaelcarver-49333
image for user crazytalkerman-58363crazytalkerman-58363
image for user Badass_123Badass_123
image for user waggealarwaggealar
image for user blackdougblackdoug
image for user StarkTechStarkTech
image for user ThomasMagnumPIThomasMagnumPI
image for user Dash1969Dash1969
image for user UberifficUberiffic
image for user Furious-Style77Furious-Style77
image for user futigerfutiger
image for user Avengers1235Avengers1235
image for user Verdugo69Verdugo69
image for user Avengers1324Avengers1324
image for user Block-BustedBlock-Busted
image for user BeefDCBeefDC
image for user waggeelarwaggeelar
image for user Slam-EvilSlam-Evil
image for user iLikemovingimagesiLikemovingimages
image for user ManguasStrikesBackManguasStrikesBack
image for user naeemak0naeemak0
image for user naeemak123naeemak123
image for user Andre_CedenoAndre_Cedeno
image for user tseybrattseybrat
image for user RvrgmRvrgm
image for user MangauStrikesBackMangauStrikesBack
image for user Dreamcatcher9000Dreamcatcher9000
image for user Matt_DietzMatt_Dietz
image for user DennisReynoIdsDennisReynoIds
image for user DennisReynoldsDennisReynolds
image for user The_PurgeThe_Purge
image for user VanlliaDiceVanlliaDice
image for user yanivpro2013yanivpro2013
image for user Verdugo84Verdugo84
image for user HexxaagoneHexxaagone
image for user CaptainAmericaSuxCaptainAmericaSux
image for user AckbartheHuttAckbartheHutt
image for user VberneVberne
image for user bluefarmer14bluefarmer14
image for user !!!deleted!!! (20131489)!!!deleted!!! (20131489)
image for user ExceptionaIJoeExceptionaIJoe
image for user gusninjagusninja
image for user ExceptionalJoeExceptionalJoe
image for user helderutohelderuto
image for user KlngOfTheBoardsKlngOfTheBoards
image for user Andre_King_PedoAndre_King_Pedo
image for user IfUBoughtSixGrandAtogrphsIfUBoughtSixGrandAtogrphs
image for user WeAintFoundShinWeAintFoundShin
image for user anonymous-Vanonymous-V
image for user kal-el_is_gonekal-el_is_gone
image for user Andre_The_Nutty_ProfessorAndre_The_Nutty_Professor
image for user JollybearJollybear
image for user lucboxlucbox
image for user Mr-Sinister_IIMr-Sinister_II
image for user Crappy_JrCrappy_Jr
image for user mosesthidmosesthid
image for user Mister-SinisiterMister-Sinisiter
image for user alexanderthekaiseralexanderthekaiser
image for user LegendInMyMindLegendInMyMind
image for user Bush-Rubio-2016Bush-Rubio-2016
image for user Riggan_ThomsonRiggan_Thomson
image for user PresidentRubioPresidentRubio
image for user Left-Leg-of-the-Forbidden-OneLeft-Leg-of-the-Forbidden-One
image for user Gator-Fan-1998Gator-Fan-1998
image for user President_Bashar_al_AssadPresident_Bashar_al_Assad
image for user Archibald_WitwickyArchibald_Witwicky
image for user Dictator-SalazarDictator-Salazar
image for user feministforcefeministforce
image for user cmccarron-11091cmccarron-11091
image for user waggelaarwaggelaar
image for user JaiCourtneyFanaticJaiCourtneyFanatic
image for user chaneye48chaneye48
image for user jun2kjun2k
image for user wrongviewwrongview
image for user AhBiteMeAhBiteMe
image for user President-Bashar-al-AssadPresident-Bashar-al-Assad
image for user JoaquimXVJoaquimXV
image for user SupremeLeader_NobodyEpicSupremeLeader_NobodyEpic
image for user meIIomoviereviewmeIIomoviereview
image for user DeviantHitmanDeviantHitman
image for user MrWhite_69MrWhite_69
image for user A_Real_Hip_DudeA_Real_Hip_Dude
image for user Ramboman24Ramboman24
image for user Joxiua_NeitzschJoxiua_Neitzsch
image for user allie-bunker1allie-bunker1
image for user Reached_The_ThresholdReached_The_Threshold
image for user slgnfthebeast_orionslgnfthebeast_orion
image for user leaves344leaves344
image for user hafabeehafabee
image for user karjacksonkarjackson
image for user Simplythebest11962Simplythebest11962
image for user carrot_handvocarrot_handvo
image for user cmccarroncmccarron
image for user Donny_BrodkaDonny_Brodka
image for user Gus_GornamGus_Gornam
image for user jackblack12335jackblack12335
image for user TheMountainThatRides23TheMountainThatRides23
image for user sanjay_knsanjay_kn
image for user Troyal1Troyal1
image for user engrymfilmengrymfilm
image for user ridicoolestridicoolest
image for user Wormhole9Wormhole9
image for user mrjoseph85mrjoseph85
image for user JediMasterTrumpJediMasterTrump
image for user rexrocks-50500rexrocks-50500
image for user OdumnCOdumnC
image for user VanilliaDiceVanilliaDice
image for user Mr_KillgraveMr_Killgrave
image for user ManguaStrikesBackManguaStrikesBack
image for user DarkNegroReturnsDarkNegroReturns
image for user Reverse_FlashReverse_Flash
image for user Caitlyn_JennerCaitlyn_Jenner
image for user lvor_Biggunlvor_Biggun
image for user roxelanaroxelana
image for user rouge_2rouge_2
image for user GannciusGanncius
image for user Professor-XavierProfessor-Xavier
image for user LipSipDipLipSipDip
image for user johntravoltagejohntravoltage
image for user the_aids_giverthe_aids_giver
image for user CountTalavarCountTalavar
image for user CountTavalarCountTavalar
image for user Lucifer_JrLucifer_Jr
image for user question7question7
image for user MssYumYumCoCoMssYumYumCoCo
image for user Zombie_TrayvonnZombie_Trayvonn
image for user The-Observant-CriticThe-Observant-Critic
image for user KalKenobi83KalKenobi83
image for user ninamorrison143ninamorrison143
image for user Tom_RocksTom_Rocks
image for user Verdugo58Verdugo58
image for user Gammaray13Gammaray13
image for user topherb420topherb420
image for user xfiler100xfiler100
image for user ARCtrooper-5555ARCtrooper-5555
image for user ManguaCrimeLordManguaCrimeLord
image for user Rebuild_ReclaimRebuild_Reclaim
image for user wilsonmoraleswilsonmorales
image for user SledgeHammer87SledgeHammer87
image for user jensenpeerjensenpeer
image for user prank_garrettprank_garrett
image for user u-Joby-Dimms-uu-Joby-Dimms-u
image for user crististasicrististasi
image for user sock_account_966sock_account_966
image for user RevenantMasterpieceRevenantMasterpiece
image for user ShanghaiJoeShanghaiJoe
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You're invited: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/271110-captain-america-civil-war/discuss/5898f9e892514164720007e6 Just a suggestion.

I can give you the one thing that even the great Galactus needs!


I would buy all these people a beer๎€


I don't doubt it. You are one of their fellow jack-offs. Anyone who automatically gives a 10/10 to DC and a 1/10 to Marvel is a pile of infected sh!t. Same with those who do the opposite.

So, I guess my ignore list grows by one...


nobody right now

everybody on or after feb 20


I wasn't even able to fit half my Ignore list on a single post, but there are a least a dozen Joby sock accounts in there.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


Title should be changed to list of people who trigger me ๎€ฆ


Title should be changed to list of people who trigger me!
I asked the question as a way for most to self-reflect on what their IMDB experience was like as they migrate to other boards and forums.

I have no general idea if openly unruly posters caused the Message boards to loose it's collective way but it can clearly be demonstrated that many posters found the need to block and ignore a whole swath of accounts for reasons.

Here's hoping that whichever forum or board you go to next you find the experience you desire without having to spend as much time blocking and or ignoring posters.


I can give you the one thing that even the great Galactus needs!


I wasn't even able to fit half my Ignore list on a single post, but there are a least a dozen Joby sock accounts in there.

I'm the same.

I tried, but only half... actually more like a little over a third of my list would show when I looked at the preview of it.

Granted the last time I counted I had around 320 people on ignore (no idea how many were sock accounts in the end... don't care anyways). And that last count I took was back around 2 months after Age of Ultron's release (US release that is). I don't really even want to think how many others got added to my list from then to now.

I know for quite a while it felt like there wasn't a day that would go by where I wasn't putting another 1 or 2 people on ignore whenever I visited the boards.

Sanity is for the weak!


I never actually bothered counting my Ignore list entries, but the side-bar is the smallest it can get.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf
