Why are MCU movies so derivate.

Seriously what is wrong with the MCU screenplays. the last two captain america films were supposed to be their political charged movies yet both movies were both simplistic, predictable to be predictable, uncomplicated and derivate lacking of depth and substance.

Tony and Steve fight because Bucky kills his parents.

Team Iron Man and Team Captain America fight about who should register.

I was expecting a complex political and social clash that mirrors Xavier and Magneto from most of the X-Men movies instead I got a derivate story in Civil War.

Please MCU fanboys can say whatever they want about X-Men 3, However X-Men 3 had a better Civil War than the MCU Civil War.


Seriously what is wrong with the MCU screenplays. the last two captain america films were supposed to be their political charged movies yet both

Were exactly what was promised, without making the characters radically OOC for the sake of conflict.

Tony and Steve fight because Bucky killed his parents.

That was the end result, there was more to it before that. If you were paying attention.

I was expecting a complex political and social clash that mirrors Xavier and Magneto

There's nothing complex about Xavier and Magneto. One is an utter incompetent and the other thinks that he can use the Nazis to get away with anything.


What is wrong with FOX fanboys they just think their X Men movies are so perfect despite DOFP being no better than Civil War.

What were you expecting a gay sob story between Tony and Steve?

The conflict was no less complex than Eric and Charles's.

PS: Posting the same message on multiple boards is called trolling or are you just finally showing your true colors now that the boards are closing?

All good things come to an end.


What is wrong with FOX fanboys they just think their X Men movies are so perfect despite DOFP being no better than Civil War.

It's especially funny to see DoFP fans complain that "everything's back to normal at the end of Civil War."


If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


Its an insult to mature audiences intelligence to see the way Civil War ended with a crappy Stan Lee joke, Rhodes laughing his disability off and Rogers writing a forgive me letter to Stark like he just stole his colouring pad in pre school. Its embarrasing.


Except, y'know, the only thing that happened was the Stan Lee joke.

Rhodes goes into detail about why he thinks he's still fighting the good fight in spite of the paralysis and the thing that makes him laugh--that shows that he's still Rhodey--is the delivery guy getting Stark's name wrong.

While Steve apologizes for keeping the truth from Tony, his letter doesn't ask for forgiveness as much as it promises support if Tony needs him.

Try paying attention to the movie on the screen instead of the one in your head.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


Try paying attention to the movie on the screen instead of the one in your head.

That is the top characteristic of the typical fanboy.


It's embarrassing that so called mature intelligent audiences can't understand the ending of Civil War.

All good things come to an end.


All the scoffing at "kiddie Marvel" interferes with their comprehension.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


I thought the 2nd and 3rd Cap movies were politically charged. While I love the franchise, the X-Men movies have the same message repeated in every movie.


The MCU films have no message with the exception of Winter Soldier. They are all flimsy nothing stories with CGI action and jokes making up the bulk of the screentime.


The MCU films have no message with the exception of Winter Soldier.

If you want to be spoonfed.

At least they don't exploit the Holocaust.


Are you seriously being that ignorant now?

All good things come to an end.


He rated Central Intelligence and Hard Target (Van Damme) 8/10, so, no, he's not being ignorant "now."


MCU movies are for brain dead children thats why.


Wow, you were a member for 9 months and now, with two weeks left you feel the need to post and show everyone you are an idiot?


Here's what I *REALLY* don't get, WTF is w/ 'X is better M' or 'M is better than X?' Can't we all like all of the movies for different reasons? even in the superhero genre there are different styles, tones & connections. If I want to watch superhero thriller like TDK, I'm *NOT* going to settle for B&R or WS for GotG & I own all of those & BvS:DoJ, SS X:DOFP, HOWARD THE DUCK & ODIN HELP ME, FAN4STIC! That doesn't mean 1 is interchangeable with another so WHAT THE DUCK?

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


What is more funny about these MCU fanboys is that they love to quote C. S. Lewis to excuse Marvel for making jokes and pop culture references in movies.


No, it's just to make anyone who says "X-Men is more mature!" get off their high horse.


No, it's to show how pretentious and - ironically enough - immature your ilk is...


I personally feel X-Men: Days of Future Past was a better film than Civil War, at least in terms of emotional stakes.
The scene where Magneto gives his speech to the mutants of the world, while being juxtaposed with mutants being defeated in the future, was amazing. It was so poignant, the whole time travel plot was basically a buildup to this moment.
Civil War's climax was not as powerful, even though the story was pretty well done.


I personally feel X-Men: Days of Future Past was a better film than Civil War, at least in terms of emotional stakes.

We all knew it would end in a return to the status quo. X-Men has no balls.

The scene where Magneto gives his speech to the mutants of the world, while being juxtaposed with mutants being defeated in the future, was amazing.

It was just more of the same. And naturally, Xavier the moron doesn't let Magneto die for his murderous actions.


^THIS^ my favorite part of that movie, from a cinematic standpoint was Stewart & McKellan holding hands, from a nerdboy standpoint, it would be J-Law in the belly shirt @ the airport!

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!
