Lopez or FX?

"Saint George" is a mess. That's a given. But I wonder if FX is pushing the raunchy humor on the show to fit in with their network brand or if it's Lopez's idea. Either way, it's not working. My theory is that Lopez basically wanted to do "The George Lopez Show-Part Two" but the best deal he could get was at FX on the condition they make it more "edgy." This would explain why the show feels like a traditional family sitcom with lame "adult" jokes grafted on. It's just so jarring.

If it was Lopez who wanted to do something different from his last show he should have gone single-camera, no audience. But since the current show has the same look and feel of his previous show, people are expecting the same sort of family fare. And since "Saint George" does the "edgy" humor so badly, the show might as well just embrace the traditional family friendly format. It'll never be a really good show, but Lopez and FX might as well give his fans what they want rather than this hybrid mess. The show would have been a better fit at TV Land or TBS.


I agree with this. Indeed feels like his old show rehashed...or, "reimagined" or whatever goofy adjective they use nowadays. The edginess you speak of does seem forced. I really don't see how this show makes it past the season finale.

I can only guess this is what happens when you build an entire show (or movie for that matter) around your star instead of a story.
