Normal service...

...has been resumed. I hope!

Ten weeks of The Musketeers. That was dire. I do hope that this is a return to BBC Sunday night drama - the way it ought to be.


LOL, I know what you mean. I tried to watch The Musketeers but gave up around 15 minutes into the first episode.


You lasted 15 minutes,you deserve a medal,I gave up after 10!


Oh gosh, and I thought I was the only closet un-appreciator of the Three Men Who Badly Need A Wash.

Yes, BBC toy with our affections greatly. First they give us "Call the Midwife" and the like.

Then, it's fake lit-history with knobs on and makes-no-sense anachronistic "classics." And at least they could have had attractive men if nothing else. But they looked like something the moggie coughs up on the kitchen lino.

Well, not sure what the Three-Muskies rated, because I never looked, but "Crimson" pulled in 6 million. That's nearly "Call the Midwife" range again.

Hey Beeb! Make it...and they will come!

Wow. "Endeavour" AND "Crimson" on Sundays. My head will explode (where's Flora with those boiled bandages!)


I thought I was the only closet un-appreciator of the Three Men Who Badly Need A Wash.

The lameness of The Musketeers reminded me of BBC's sad Robin Hood series a few years ago. I couldn't stick it out for that one, either. Even the lovely Richard Armitage couldn't draw me back to that cheese.


The Crimson Field is a above average show in a sea of bad shows, great cast and a good first show.
