To all the Zed haters

In the end, pairing John with a female character of our own creation just wasn't very…Hellblazer.

Daniel Cerone's own words. In reference to Liv.

Read them and weep:

She's not a Mary Sue, and I don't get the hate.

The actress even LOOKS like her comic counterpart:

Which is not something comic book fans, usually get. Usually some A-Lister who never even read the comics, nor does research on the role.


No she doesn't look like her comic counterpart, and the actress that plays Zed is terrible. She has one blank facial expression, she's so wooden she gets out acted by the props.


No she doesn't look like her comic counterpart, and the actress that plays Zed is terrible. She has one blank facial expression, she's so wooden she gets out acted by the props.

Reading this warps my mind. The actress is fantastic. Sometimes personal taste takes us to alien worlds where up is down, etc.


She is far from fantastic, such a bad actress. She almost makes Kristen Stewart look good.


Agreed. I guess Liv from the pilot is phenomenal and stole the show and blew them away and would've saved the show from cancellation.


Don't forget the weird coming-and-going accent!

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Whether they find life there or not, I think Jupiter should be considered an enemy planet.


Such a stupid word..."hater".

Loathing is my life blood, rage my royal jelly, fear is my bacon bits


Would detractor be better?


I love having Zed in the plot, and think the actress is hot as hell. Assuming the series is picked up for a second season, there's plenty of time to change her hair to something approaching what we see in the comic. Like when she's kidnapped and groomed for her role as the next Host.

But for the Zed haters, I have this to say: stick around, she'll be off the series at the appropriate point in the plot. Season 2 should show us the Resurrection Crusade plot line and, of course, Con Job's part in polluting the "garden". Well, maybe that won't happen until Season 3, we'll see (I hope).



Sadly,there may not even be a season 2 of Constantine----I'd gladly snap up that one season on DVD whenever that's made to happen.


I would love to add Constantine to my DVD/Blu-Ray collection along with Once Upon a Time in Wonderland and Forever.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


I could watch Zed count paper clips all day long. She is beyond cute.


I don't know that it was the actress's fault at all. It was the uneven writing. They could not decide if she was this tough chick, or a pouty emo type. She was good at playing the hardass, but when the character would go into pouty, petulant mode she was not appealing (and a bit offputting) and didn't feel at all true to character. I felt the writers really didn't have a firm idea of who she was so she never seemed true to tyep. I'm not saying she should not have had range and complexity, but there has to be a sense of connectivity between different character modes. Her relationship with John was also really uneven. I just never was able to connect with her. I connected quite well with the female character in the first episode and was looking forward to seeing her grow.


i just didn't feel like she was much like the comic version which didn't really work as it seemed they were going in the same direction in the series with her character as they were in the comics. Just felt she was a bit too different. I really liked the girl from the pilot frankly.
