arrested development?

haven't watched it yet but the plot look kinda stolen
hope they do fine


Its very much alike, the only difference being that Jason Bateman is replaced with Kacey Rohl (Abigail Hobbs from Hannibal), who is charming and well suited for the role. Looks like a good comedy with a lot of promise.


Kacey is the only reason I watch this show. I think she does fine in it, but also that she could get much better roles because she is a fine young actress who can aspire to things greater than sub par sit coms.


Never saw AD but I do like Working the Engels and of course, it will be canceled because that's what I do. I'm the show killer. I like a show and BOOM! it gets canceled and so please, catch it before it's gone. I think you'll like it.


Were you the reason why "Better off Ted" was cancelled? If so, I don't think I can ever forgive you.

I think this show is a cuter and less well written version of AD. It has a similar premise, but the show itself is far more procedural sitcom than AD ever was. AD was more a single story arc designed for binge watching.


Came in to post this.

Andrea Martin is hilarious though, so I'm going to allow it.


arrested development?

Not even as good as the worst seasons of that show.


It certainly wanted to be Arrested Development, but wasn't anywhere near the same league.
