MovieChat Forums > The Whispers (2015) Discussion > This is why we spank children people...

This is why we spank children people...

If just one of those kid ps would have gotten thier rear end warmed up, maybe the world wouldn't be ending and the Presidents Daughter would still be alive.


Or maybe spanked children would have resented their parents more and would have been easier for Drill to influence, and then he would have a larger group of followers.


I was spanned and I never resented my parents. It was what had to be done when I didn't listen or misbehaved. This is truly one of the reasons we have so many issues today. How many kids did you see shoot up their school back in the 60's, 70's, and 80's?


You obviously don't understand the difference between spanking and abuse. I was spanked plenty, but never resented my parents on bit for it any more than any kid would resent discipline. Hindsight even makes it more appreciated. My fear of displeasing them and the discipline that followed kept me from making many stupid decisions as a youth and now I don't have the regrets that so many others have.


You obviously don't understand the difference between spanking and abuse.

Exactly. Most people that get all hot and bothered when the issue of spanking kids always equate it with abuse. There's a difference in swatting your kid when they do wrong and beating the crap out of them.

When I was a kid I was spanked a couple of times. I quickly learned that I didn't like this and the best thing to do was to mind my parents and not do the things that caused me to get spanked. I didn't resent my parents and I wasn't scared of them.


the world didn't end . It just got part of its population taken away just like. blacks in africa during the 18th century


It's a bit of a hyperbolic statement, but the intent is still true: if these people would actually spend some time with their kids, and discipline them when they did something wrong or crazy, then there would have been far less of a crisis to handle. Hell, they don't pay attention to their kids even after they know about Drill. If I knew that a power-eating alien was out to corrupt my children, I'd stick them in a Faraday cage, not unsupervised in a bedroom filled with fancy decorative lighting and whatnot.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


if these people would actually spend some time with their kids, and discipline them when they did something wrong or crazy

That was Ray Bradbury's whole point with this story back in 1951


Which goes to show that the general opinion that parents aren't doing a good-enough job is nothing new, just like the long-standing idea that a current generation of teenagers are lazy, do crazy things, and listen to scary music that will ruin their morals.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Yeah, but Portrayed to an extreme by Ray Bradbury. people are not worked up about the 17 year old son who smokes an occasional pot. But its a different story when your pre-teen children get neglected by your infidelity or abscence and then become susceptible to the evil influence
of a lunatic alien that may or may not lead to said child's demise.


That one kid that Drill threatened to kill if the grid wasn't turned back on was probably beaten plenty judging by the way his dad acted in what little we got to see of him. So, I doubt that was the problem.

As a warrior and as a man, I will leave my mark upon the world! Marguilus


As I posted in another thread, spanking doesn't work, unless you're trying to raise an anti-social, aggressive child with mental health issues:

(Seriously, there's a mountain of evidence about this. I guess people just really like hitting little kids.)


Maybe some like it, but mostly I think it's a combination of parents having been raised with spanking, not knowing other ways to cope with bad behavior, and sheer frustration.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


but our society uses far worse than spanking now

sometimes the fate of children in reality is no better than the fate of the kids in the WHispers
