MovieChat Forums > The Whispers (2015) Discussion > Children from the US, Europe and as far ...

Children from the US, Europe and as far away as Africa...

um Africa is right under Europe - kinda almost the same distance!



What is the closest part of Europe to Washington, DC? Iceland? Ireland? Portugal, the closest part of Continental Europe?

What is the most distant part of Africa from Washington DC? Someplace in South Africa? Madagascar, if an island counts?

Once you select your examples, find out their distances from Washington DC. Then you will see that at least SOME parts of Africa are thousands of miles farther away than at last SOME parts of Europe.

Anyway, in my experience with real life people they tend to talk without thinking and composing their sentences first to make sure that their sentences are accurate.

TV characters usually speak a lot more coherently than real people, but some TV writers sometimes have their characters talk almost as badly as real people, either for the sake of seeming realism, or the writers' own incompetence at writing clear sentences.

Thus I have no problem with a TV character in Washington, DC saying: "Children from the US, Europe and as far away as Africa..." even if some of the kids from Europe might possibly be from farther away than any of the kids from Africa.

Africa is not right under Europe, it is just depicted that way on standard maps with north at the top.


It wasn't a TV character. It was a news reporter (OK a made up news reporter).

But still I thought it was still funny. Been a lot of examples of how Fox News gets geography completly wrong. (We often laugh about it abroad) so I guess in that sense it's accurate!

My point is I guess in the U.S. some people think europe is fairly close and Africa is an example of somewhere much much further away. Obviously eg Western Africa is closer than East Europe


Parts of Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere. Although Africa shares longitudes with Europe, the differences in latitudes from Washington, D.C.'s 40 degrees North make parts of Africa a lot farther away, particularly, South Africa and Madagascar.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


Distance from Washington to Eastern Europe 5,050 miles

Distance from Washington to Western Africa 4,808 miles

of course parts of Africa are far away - its a big place!

Obviously you want to argue for the sake if it!



I may be too critical, but I find that folks in the United States speak about or refer to "Europe" as though it is a country (ditto for Africa).

As a Canadian I could feel excluded - the Aliens don't like/ want us? In context if reference is made to two Continents, then the USA should be incorporated under North America unless specifically excluding Canada and Mexico.

It would have been better for the writers to use a generic "children from all over the world..." and let us viewers associate that with other Continents, including Asia, South America and Australia (not too many people watching from Antarctica I reckon).


I wondered about that too. Why no children from Asia or South America? But then I just figured the children were from all over and the reporter was from Faux News (Fox).

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.


A very subtle and clever comment about Fox!
