MovieChat Forums > Rich Kids of Beverly Hills Discussion > Anyone else think that real estate BF is...

Anyone else think that real estate BF is ugly

He is ugly, balding, bad body... why is she with that loser?


Well, she loves him, which is hardly insignificant. I strongly suspect that their arguments are totally manufactured for the show, and that in actual reality they get along extremely well. Morgan is a beautiful girl, but he doesn't have to be as good-looking as she is to be worthy of her love.

Also, he's not a loser. That guy is an extremely successful real estate broker making hundreds of thousands a year, at least. It isn't Morgan's family's level of money, not yet, but it will be. He's a good bet for her; she doesn't have to worry about him being after her eventual inheritance.

And I cannot believe that I watch this show or ever gave this so much thought, but, well, I do and I did, evidently! I like Morgan, so I guess that's why.

I'm gonna set fire to his car to punish him for my mistake.



I think Morgan is the most down-to-earth girl in the cast. She was a bit out of line with that argument at the end of the season premiere, but I also thought that was a manufactured argument.


Oh definitely. Couldn't have been more staged.

"Computers aren't the thing. They're the thing that gets us to the thing."



He reminds me of prince William


I think he's rather cute. And I think she's lucky to find a guy who's halfway down-to-earth in that environment. Can you imagine the d-bags she has to choose from? I think she's made a good choice.


He is not attractive at all. Mist make up for it in other ways... ehhh...But just the thought of that gives me the heebie jeebies...


Unpopular opinion: I think he's cute. Not like holy *beep* I wanna *beep* that guy cute, but totally marrying potential cute. Like settling down, having kids, all that nonsense. Plus, he can put up with neurotic crazies like Morgan and love her all the same. I need to find me a man like him hahaha.


not sure of your definition of loser - he is actually a great match for Morgan. And I can see that Morgan sees that he is a regular good guy and while he doesn't have model good looks, he is a very successful realtor.
Every person on the show have some quirks but that is what real humans are like, when not conformed into what tv producers want. EJ is overweight and a diva, but gets attention as his father is Magic Johnson, Roxy is a friend of Morgan, Dorothy is not that pretty either, but she is rich rich. Basically a bunch of young people finding their way in life, and yes it is different than most as they started with more than most.
