
is so over the top and ridiculous, I want to smack him everytime he opens his mouth.


Um no. He's fabulous I love him and wish he was the star of the show! More EJ please E!


i was wondering why he wasnt invited to china with the rest of the group....


I don't mind him being OTT, if anything I enjoy that; but EJ loves himself altogether too much, and he has terrible manners. Those things, I find pretty much unbearable. I guess he's a regular this season, which will be okay for this viewer if we only see him in small doses.

"Computers aren't the thing. They're the thing that gets us to the thing."



sooo true he's too much a flaming queen..and in the first episode they show him w a woman named elisa i assume thts his sister...she looks like a hoodrat..u figure coming from money she would dress a little better and hve a better weave..mayb the reason he wasnt invited to china because he was too over the top
the other gay guy went...


Whoa, no, I am totally okay with him flaming away. That, I like! It's the rest of his personality, mainly him being so in love with himself and often so rude, that I can do without.

Snake Plissken. I've heard of you. I heard you were dead.



I think the DL hate toward EJ is a mixture of negative feelings relating to race, class and sexual identity. There is an animus toward black guys that is aggravated by the fact that he's from a very rich family -- because black guys should be the bottom of the socio-economic ladder in gay-world as well as the real world. And then all that hate is multiplied tenfold by the fact that he's flamboyant, unapologetically effeminate and openly gay.


reply 69 09/20/2015
