MovieChat Forums > The Jim Gaffigan Show (2015) Discussion > Like it, but thought it'd be more family...

Like it, but thought it'd be more family appropriate

First off I like this show and enjoy it.

Going into watching this show I heard Jim was a Catholic and did family friendly comedy.
But the show seems like everything else on tv (the dirtier the better). I don't think there was one episode that was clean where I'd watch it with my parents or younger kids.
The show has: Cussing; sexual things like the vasectomy (which Catholics are against), sexual parts/comments, Dave being all about sleeping with every girl, and even the sexual suggestions when Jim was in the hotel; Jeannie's gay friend; Jim being embarrassed by his faith (is only Jeannie Catholic?); and other things that aren't family friendly.

I'm sure some think that those things are nothing and I know it's not that bad. But like I said it just seems like it's similar to everything else on tv and when I heard about the show I thought it might be a little different. But I still think it's funny and enjoy it (The parts Macaulay are great)!


Aside from the character of Dave's (minor in modern standards) potty mouth and sexual inuendo, and Jim's obvious gluttony, nothing that you mentioned is bad. I would have no trouble watching this with my parents (my father and mother watch the show) or with my grandparents (if they were still alive). I am a 37 year old, female, only child (who grew up in a large Italian Roman Catholic family with divorced, but still very friendly toward each other, parents), neurosurgeon from NYC, just to give you a prospective clip into my life.

Obviously you have a different idea on things that are "bad" - like mentioning Jeanie's gay best friend (the realtor who I can't remember the name of). To me, the show is quite tame, but funny. The only reason I mentioned Jim's gluttony above is because I am a doctor and know all of the problems associated with not eating healthy (or healthier than they show him). I don't use it as a "seven deadly sins" thing, since I am an atheist. ( BTW- I don't push my ideas on religion to others, so I don't expect others to push their religious ideals/beliefs on me. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and I respect those individual beliefs).

I also only mention Dave's "potty mouth" and use of sexual innuendo since people think that isn't part of a family show. The problem is that I don't see this, nor does Jim Gaffigan, as a family show. That is why it is in at a specific time, after the watershed (not on Primetime on a non-cable network). Dave's character is their as an antithesis to everything that Jim is/does. If you look, they are opposites in their relationships with everything from food to family life, but still are friends. It shows that people don't have to all follow the same path in life to have a functioning relationship. I like the contrast in their relationship, as it highlights Jim's attributes and failings, without pushing them in our face from just one prospective.



The second season has been more PG-13 than PG. The first season centered around his family and the comedy was more family oriented.

I don't know what the deal is with the second season. They've gone all meta with having Jim do a show inside a show at TV Land. It's not like it's never been done before. The cameos are nice, and I guess it's a sign that the show carries some weight to get them, but in the end are a distraction.


I may be in the minority here but this season has been pretty bad. I've hardly laughed at all. It has changed a lot from the first season.


I would say this show is pretty tame but it is very hard to find clean comedy anymore. Apparently the only thing that's funny anymore is sex. I miss the days of Roseanne, Home Improvement, Friends, Everybody loves Raymond, etc. Yes they had a sex joke or two but then there were tons of jokes made about all kinds of things.


Wow. How much of a square can you be? Don't watch it then.. Season 2 hasn't been good anyway.
