MovieChat Forums > The Jim Gaffigan Show (2015) Discussion > How Does Dave Get Such Hot Women?

How Does Dave Get Such Hot Women?

Adam Goldberg is my exact idea of what an unattractive man looks like--monkeyish features and a perpetual scowl mixed with a serial killer's eyebrows/beard, and an annoying ass/whiny voice--and his character Dave is repeatedly said to be broke and living with his mother SO how in the hell does he keep getting unbelievably hot women? And it's not like he's really a great guy or Mr. Raw Charisma either...

He's with a different beauty every week like that model he lied to (with Jim's help), that older nurse (probably the hottest senior citizen I've ever seen), and especially Gigi the hotel hookup who's the hottest woman I've seen on a sitcom in ages. [I've seen that same actress in Gimme the Loot, and she's unrecognizable from that... I checked the imdb about ten times to make sure they didn't list it wrong.] That hotel scene was honestly steamy...until you realized that we've yet to discover Dave's secret.


yes, he is disgusting. I cannot stand him. I cannot imagine any woman liking him. He ruins the show.


You might say the same about that revolting little ball of mucus, George Costanza, on Seinfeld. One of life's mysteries.

The simple answer is, for a woman to get a foot in the door of show biz, she HAS to be 'hot'. It's like a legal requirement. Ordinary or god forbid homely people need not apply, no matter how talented.

The ugly men will have good looking women only, because they are the only ones who get hired: for their looks.


He's friends with Jim Gaffigan. Nuff said.



He's not really that ugly, and he's a comedian. Women like funny guys. As for being broke and living with his mother, that's why his relationships don't last.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Because he's not morbidly obese, he's funny, can hold a conversation/make someone laugh, is persistent, casts a wide net, is manipulative, and doesn't get hung up on rejection.

Keep in mind... most of the women he hooks up with later reveal that they are emotionally vulnerable (Gigi had just broke up with her boyfriend, for example) and/or not interested in any type of long-term future with him.

It's not like he's nailing emotionally grounded successful attractive women. They are generally attractive, but are also generally carrying significant baggage of some sort.

Oh, and the most important thing I left out.... It's an over the top sitcom, so everything about him is suppose to be exaggerated.


i think its simply girls go for the "bad" boy or jerk. the truly nice guys are always looked over for some reason. makes me sad for my fellow woman kind cause they seem to pick these jerks then complain that their new guy is treating them lousy. hmmmm.

RIP David Bowie ๐Ÿ’•


I've often thought the same thing, darkdemonqueen. I love literally everything else about the show, but last night's new episode was extremely Davecentric, and I was cringing.


The character is loosely based off Dave Attell. He dated Sarah Silverman a couple decades ago before he even made it big, and now heโ€™s an unmarried man with a net worth of 14 million.
