How dare Jim Gaffigan such integrity and sense of what's really important in life.

Jim Gaffigan: However the time commitment to make the quality of show we wanted was taking us away from our most important project, our five children*

Thank Jim for such a great show. I found it landmark! I look forward to your and Jeannie's future endevors.


May you receive all that Karma has to offer.


Time with his kids, yeah right. That's the same excuse that every disgraced/losing politician gives for leaving office.


Not at all the same thing. No disgrace at all.

May you receive all that Karma has to offer.


I didn't say Gaffigan was disgraced, I just meant that I find his excuse about wanting "to spend more time with my family" about as convincing as the politicians who use the same excuse.


Okay, you're not convinced.

I'll just assume you're not a Dad or Mom with kids. To me, assuming that you can meet you family's financial needs (I'm sure the Gaffigans can do this), spending time with my family, way always the best choice. Turns out (my kids now grown), it was the right choice. When I was single long ago, I'd have felt just like you. So I 100% buy it from the Gaffigans.

Oh, and I feel any politician's version of this story is full of s___.

Be well.

May you receive all that Karma has to offer.
