Most entertaining season?

Which season did you find to be the most entertaining and exciting to watch?

I've seen seasons 1, 2, and 4. Season 2 to me was the funniest to watch because of the drama.


Season 1. Every season since seems formulaic after season 1. Plus it was new, so it was a more interesting concept.

he ran into my knife. he ran into my knife ten times.


It's tough.. season 1 and 4(so far) are great seasons. 2 was ok, and I couldn't even finish the 3rd season.



I'm liking season 4 the best so far.


i think a really big complaint from the viewers about season 3 was that none of the perfect matches were really interested in each other.. drama is all well and good but you kind of need viewers to root for couples and believe in the process as well

this time around they seem to have taken that aboard and put more emphasis on perfect match couples. idk if they've changed the way they match or even given the cast a bit more help in figuring out matches, but as a viewer it's nice to see matches like mikala/cameron and sam/alyssa be attracted to each other and also perfect matches


Most entertaining is split between Season 1 and 4... I haven't decided which I like more, but it may be 1 cause it was new and the cast was great. This cast is great also though...

Season 2 is next, good cast but I hated some of them a lot (the girl from Puerto Rico that people seem to like, hatred her)

Season 3 was hard for me to even finish. It was terrible. The cast just didn't mesh at all, you couldn't tell who should be matched to who... the finale seemed rigged. And that Michael fight where he pushed the girl made me sick, not cause he pushed her, but the fact he was villainized for it so much

"Live Fast, Die Young"
