tonight's 'fight'

Between prosper and gio was so lame but was even lamer was the girls crying so dramatic it wasn't even that serious.


It looked like the producers may have edited out some stuff that caused the girls to cry. But damn it felt good to see Gio get tossed around a bit after running his mouth for so long!


But damn it felt good to see Gio get tossed around a bit after running his mouth for so long!

hell yeah!

Didn't you F her BF when you two were BFFs?


The crying wasn't edited some of the girls were actually crying like that because they said that particular fight was really scary that night.

Made You Look


@pri:  I agree! The promos made it seem like it was going to be this HUGE thing and it wasn't.

And yes the girls crying over it was dramatic and pathetic. They were acting like someone was getting murdered or something.


I couldn't stop laughing at the girls crying. Just the way that scene was edited together made the crying amusing.
