francesca is pathetic

it's bad enough i think she's the ugliest girl in the house but she's an awful person
the way she went about sleeping w/ asaf, then sleeping w/ gio (uh ew) and trying to argue w/ kaylen (who's completely right about her)
she's not overtly abrasive like gio but i don't think she's any better
she's just sly


Oh my gosh. Rolling my eyes.

She's cute, stopppp.

Lol.. he came onto her too. Who cares lol? And Gio is gross I agree, but who cares? Again lol. What does it matter if she sleeps with them? Nobody in this house is married.

And Kaylen was wack for coming at her like that and calling her a little girl. She had every right to be upset at being insulted. If you sit there and are quiet when someone insults you, then you have more control then a lot of people. Kaylen was doing too much over a wack ass dude, who has proven the type of person he is.

"Live Today Like You'll Die Tomorrow"


Agreed. She has no commitment to anyone in the house so she can do whatever she wants. And I think she was right about Kaylen lashing out at her. She clearly still has feelings for Gio and took it out on Fran.


Exactly. These people are doing the most with some of their explanations. Someone really said they wouldn't be surprised if her father wasn't in her life? WTF. lol. And who cares how many people you have sex with as long as it's safe and consensual.

If I put the stuff I've done and wrote it out.. lol. Some of them would think I was a mess. I love sex.

"Live Today Like You'll Die Tomorrow"


Kaylen actually said her problem with Franscesca was that she had called her a "little girl" the night before and Francscesca didn't confront her about it until the ceremony. And she had done things like this before, waiting to say things until the cameras were on her...

You're right, nobody is married but for example to sleep with Asaf before he went on his date with Tory and vote them into the truth booth thinking they were a match is shady as hell. Remember Tory's issue she said was "if she voted us in the truth booth that is *beep* up!"

Made You Look


And Franscesca said she did say something. So it doesn't even matter who said what. That was still an insult and she was doing the most at the ceremony. If she really expected her to sit there while she is on camera getting insulted, she thought wrong. Who in their right mind would let Kaylen talk to them that way?

And she was hanging out with Asaf before Tori. It's not like she just jumped on him or something. I think she was stupid to do it after the way he treated her, but some people are very weak and will take what they can from someone they like.

"Live Today Like You'll Die Tomorrow"


I'm a believer that if the majority of people don't like you maybe it's you and not them. A lot of the cast seemed to not care for Franscesca (or Julia, but that's another conversation.) Franscesca is a weak, insecure young woman and I think that was Kaylen's point. Asaf made a fool of her during the first or second week, has yet to move on, and gives it up to Gio because he was the first shoulder she could cry on in the house!

Tyler asking her to the boom boom room was enough for Nicole to get to know other people, Asaf being a dick was enough for Tory to forget him, Gio showing his true colors after the truth booth was enough for Kaylen, Franscesca is getting treated like trash by Asaf and is still acting like she's in love...I'm not saying Franscesca should've sat there and not said anything, she had every right to speak up but what Kaylen was saying had a seed of truth to it.

Made You Look


people are doing the absolute most in an effort to hate francesca, it's ridiculous

she slept with asaf because she liked him and she wanted to, there's nothing wrong with that

she didn't have sex with gio, they kissed when he took advantage of her being upset

she has every right to defend herself when kaylen comes for her with her holier-than-thou attitude, why call her a little girl? kaylen was taking out her issues with gio on francesca


Right? Lol. She's a cute girl and she had sex. Big whoop. You're in a pretty place and young with no cares in the world for some weeks. Live it up. I would.

Kaylen had the right one. Because I wish her faux "strong" "tough" ass, would try and step to me like that.

"Live Today Like You'll Die Tomorrow"


she didn't have sex with gio, they kissed when he took advantage of her being upset

Did you actually watch the episode? If the moaning and used condom on the floor wasn't enough, Gio said in front of the whole group that he had sex with her before the truth booth. You can't stan that hard...


I do think Francesca is really cute.

As far as her promiscuity goes, if someone were to tell me that her father was not in her life, I would not be surprised. If someone were to tell me that her sexual count is 40+, I would not be surprised, if she has slept with her friends' boyfriends, I would not be surprised. - SlySlickFox - It's all psychological

As much as I like Francesca, I do think there was a semblance of truth to what Kaylen (sp) had told her: about her being a little girl. I think Francesca thinks too much with her emotions -on the spot-. Just like a little girl would.

I think all of the guys in the house can sense this. It is why Tyler asked her to the "boom boom room" on the fist night. It is why Kaylen made the comment that Gio knew beforehand that she, Francesca, would be easy. I hate that Gio took advantage of this in her.
It is clear that Gio has been getting into her head for a few epsiodes. As shown with them hanging out in a few scenes. Who knows what was really going on.

Francesca was too emotional and jumped too quickly into thinking that Asaf wasn't into her. On the other hand, Asaf put this into her head. In one scene he made it seem as if he was definitely leaving with Tori. Did he believe that Tori was his match? If this is so, is he just a player and wanted some? Is it because he knows Francesca is easy? Regardless, if he thought Tori was his match, was he just into Francesca like he is showing now?

Why would Francesca make that bitchy a** comment when picking Asaf and Tori for the truth booth? "bye, have fun in the honeymoon suite" knowing she had just had sex with him.

Is she just someone who likes who she likes and enjoys the torment of a guy wanting her over another? Is it just manipulation of the camera scenes?


uh yes i watched it, did you? gio didn't say they had sex, he said they slept together as in they slept next to each other.....


lol @ Francesca and Gio just sleeping next to one another


lol. I guess the used condom was just a personal blanket because his penis got cold while they napped together?

he ran into my knife. he ran into my knife ten times.


Agreed OP, she is the least attractive IMO and she seems really insecure and tries to get with various guys to prove a point. Not a fan of hers.


I wonder if there is any guy in the house that she wouldn't sleep with if he showed some interest in her.


Come on man, don't act like she's ugly just because she's not hot. She's little sister cute. Girl gets around but it got her what she wanted because butt hurt Asaf wants her again. Dude is ass backwards...


I agree with the OP, she needs lots of attention but then also pulls the victim card when people call her out (sly I believe was the term OP used). She is the most annoying girl this season, in my opinion. & I won't be surprised if she feels the need to cling on to another guy this season...any guesses on who it might be next?

I like my world sunny side up!


She's pretty to me, but she's lame to me. I could never go on a show like this, but I feel like I would never have sex with any guy on this show simply because I'm trying to do more than that.
The new episode that's on right now makes her look even worse so far.

A bit of the old ultraviolence...


Biggest slut to ever be on the show

"Live Fast, Die Young"


Why is she the biggest slut? Gio has slept with the same amount of people on the show. Does that make him a slut, too?


Why because she's a female? I'm actually quite surprised how people have got on Franchesca for sleeping with two different guys but, in the same instance, have said nothing about Gio sleeping with two different women.

Is Franchesca naive? Of course, she's your typical, attractive, 20 year old doing what 20 year olds do best..... Have fun. Better now than later.


Gio has more negative comments about him than any person in this season.
