Future World

The first thing I thought of when seeing this movie was Richard Heffron's Future World, with Peter Fonda, and Yul Brynner. A lot of similarities. That movie came out in 1976 and actually has a higher rating than Vice does at this time.


Thank you! Somebody old enough to drink beer that gets that it's not frackin' "Dollhouse".

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


I feel like this movie is severely underrated. A lot of people overreacting and giving it a score of 0.(Like usual, they don't seem to understand how to give proper ratings.)

I would give it a 6 or 7. Not the greatest film ever, but not deserving of anything below a 6 out of 10.


I agree that people don't know how to objectively rate movies but it's not a 6. There is nothing charming, memorable or unique about it. Just another feminist(women can be badasses) movie. They could've done so much more if they'd have stuck closely to the Westworld/Futureworld them, but instead, they decided on the fem, run-of-the-mill action movie angle. It's about a 3 or 4. I'd definitely give it a 3 without the few recognizable actors.

Political Correctness Is Paralyzing Us From The Brain Down...


Hopefully this will put the nail in the coffin on this schlock - HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU WANT TO WATCH THE SAME THEME??????


Hopefully this will put the nail in the coffin on this schlock - HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU WANT TO WATCH THE SAME THEME??????

What's schlock besides the movie in question, Vice? Watching the same theme doesn't mean you're watching the same movie! With Vice's wopping 4.1 rating I think people agree that it's garbage.

There have been like ten Friday The 13ths and multiples of many other "franchises." Westworld/Futureworld could've used a faithful updating. They were a great concept!

It could've been a direct remake and I'd have loved it.

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


Funny you should say that...

"Westworld/Futureworld could've used a faithful updating. They were a great concept!"


Funny you should say that...

My Crime Is Prohibited Thought, My Oppressors Are Bleeding Heart Liberals


Lets not forget the predecessor to Future World the movie Westworld 1973.


Ahhh, Westworld. One night there was a Westworld, Futureworld double-bill on UK television during the 80's and my father taped them for me on our Volvo sized VHS recorder. I wore that tape out playing it so much. Awesome movies.

Aren't "they" planning a remake?

...that's like saying you are just an ape. ~ Autómata


There was talk of a Westworld remake for years. It is now being done as a TV series for HBO.

Who says violence is not the answer?


Ah yes...Yul Bryner was in both films. 🐱


when i just read the description "Futureworld" immediately came to my mind as well. "Westworld" of course as well, but the line about the vices was more "Futureworld" like to me (and i haven't seen dollhouse, so..)

i loved both those movies - even though i was way too young to be allowed to watch them then :-)
and ofc Yul Brynner as unstoppable, unemotional cowboy gave me nightmares, he was the ultimate personification of danger in my childhood days.
and the dream recording machine from "Futureworld" was my absolute dream then (and still is ^^).
man did i wish i could ever get my hands on a machine like that!!! :-)))

if "Vice" is just anything like those two classics i might as well give it a shot then.


Yul Brenner just took a dump in his own casket, this film is so bad.


I thought the same after reading the synopsis - then I checked the IMDB trivia and it says the plot was taken from Westworld. I am about to watch it now. I just hope it's not as bad as the reviews say it is...
