Katie Lee

Until this show I didn't know who KL was. Only after watching did I wonder who this stoic woman with the weird voice is? It is just not in her nature to host a TV show people. Stop trying. FYI we also know GZ and The Sandwich King REALLY do Not like each other. The Iron Chef doesn't like to be interrupted when he is talking but he might cut the King one of these days while they are forced to cook together. I like the premise of the show. It just needs fine tuning. Would it hurt KL to put a little pop of color on her face? OMG! She is so boring!!


why don't gz & the king get along?

The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.-James Madison


I wish I knew or they did a better job of faking it. Watch the body language, and subtle facial expressions, tone and even comments. It's much better than the beginning. Oh they always have to top each in tips on any subject. I really hate when they cook together. It's like water and oil.


cool. i'm on it. 



she wants to find out who can eat the most shrimp with boxing gloves on!

🎍Season's greetings!🎅🌲


I wish I knew

In other words, you just made it up. Good to know.


I have only seen this show once but my first impression of her was, what a bitch. While everyone else was smiling and laughing and joking around, she never even cracked a smile. And yes, her voice is annoying as hell. She definitely should NOT be hosting a show.


she finds that jicama 'looks like a bunch of grated cheese.'



She talks like she's a teenager


Boring and whiney. That's how I describe Katie Lee. Where did they find these people? It's like they took a bunch of people, threw them into a human sized yahtzee cup and this is what fell out. Ugh, like the show, but a couple of these people have to go. Namely Katie and Sunny...and maybe GZ, he's way too uptight for this kind of show.


Katie Lee reached her first claim to fame by marrying Billy Joel when she was something like 20. She was working on being another Katie Brown/Heloise/Martha Stewart for the more moderately salaried people. I think she is basically sweet underneath, seems a little self conscious at times. Doesn't seem like she is taken very seriously by her castmates


i like her tips! 

🌴"I'm not making art, I'm making sushi." Masaharu Morimoto🌴
