Danielle Must Have an STD

Mohammed said that "no one would have sex with someone like you" and then said "you need to go to a dr before you have sex again". To me that makes me think he must have got something from her and that's why he said they stopped having sex. That also makes me think maybe he is telling the truth about not having sex with Louise and Gracie, if he did and he thinks he has an STD too now he would be afraid that he would give it to them.


I still think it is an incontinent bladder.
Guess we will see more tonight.

"I just thought if you invited me over, you knew it was me showing up"


Yeast infection.


I think she just stinks down bow




I was thinking yeast infection too but very easy to treat. I'm oversharing but I get them from time to time and my doctor will just give me these 2 pills you take and it's gone the next day. Some women are just prone to them especially if you are overweight. I'm chubby and get them sometimes. My mom is thin and gets them frequently.

I don't actually think though that's the smell he is referring too. He kept mentioning something about taking her to restaurants? I'm guessing there is a serious odor that she always has.


I have had a couple yeast infections, and yes they are easily curable and I remember itching, but not smelling and I made sure not to have sex during those times as to avoid my husband giving it back to me. I think it is a bladder problem with her.

This reminded me of the movie Mascot's that I recently watched and there is a line that one of the characters just kind of blurts out which had me dying laughing:

"I've had three yeast infections since my divorce. I just want to stick a hair brush down there and get it out."


Nah. You have to have "S" to get an "STD". She's not had any in a long time, and as far as I know, she didn't get any from Mohammed at all.

I think she just has poor hygiene. This may sound harsh, but some (not all) fat people just plain stink. They have a lot more mass to clean, and because they're out of shape, lack the ability to reach everything that needs to be clean. And some are just lazy when it comes to that as well.

I've been around fat people that smell like a fabreezed turd, and I've been around people just as fat that didn't stink at all.

Not to make this post super long, but a long time ago, I was listening to a radio show "Opie and Anthony", and they were making fun of those fat people from shows like "My 600 Pound Life". Of course they were wondering how a person gets to that point, blah blah blah... Then this caller, who was huge, was telling them about how there's a website for real fat people, that sells sponges on sticks for washing and wiping. He also said, which had me in tears laughing, that his moment of realization came to him when he dislocated his shoulder trying to wipe his own ass.

So back to the original topic. I think Danielle just stinks real bad.


I about to died from this whole post lol. Hey who knows maybe she was selling her body to make ends meet before Mo came along.


I think its a bacteria infection. Also, some people just have horrible ph balances. For Mo to say she needs to go to the Dr. her puss must smell like death. Then again it could be any of the above.


Queen...selling her body....no doubt that body was on the clearance rack.


I agree. I just think it's bad hygiene on her part. I think he thinks she needs a doctor cause he just doesn't know how bad someone can smell. I am not sure if she is still menustrating or not but if she is I can just imagine the fun going on down there. Yikes!



She needs to wash her muff.

Positive thinking and positive action add up to results!


I think it's a mix of bad hygiene and incontinence. Remember one of them said something about how Danni peed on him at one point, probably while having sex is my guess.
