MovieChat Forums > 90 Day Fiancé (2014) Discussion > Nicole's meeting with immigration office...

Nicole's meeting with immigration officer...

She seemed really surprised when speaking to the immigration officer regarding how much money it would truly cost to get Azan in the US. Makes me wonder how she was able to leave work so long to visit Alan oversees and who is paying for her child?


who is paying for her child?

You do (taxpayers).

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


Looks to me that she still lives with her mother. If that's the case, her mother probably helps support Nicole and her child.


The producers paid for her visit with Azan.


If there is a Gross income threshold for applying for K1, then how did Chantel do it on her own? I thought she was a student, but she can afford a small apartment and a qualify for K1? Maybe she used student loans as proof of income?


The producers paid for Pedro. If you hunt around on the net there are lots of leaked e-mails, letters and production notes from this show. Chantel (not her real name) and Pedro, Nicole and Azan, and Jorge and Anfisa were all dating site profiles that the producers liked and then matched up with each other. I believe Jason and Cassia have explained this in one of their vlogs. He was about to use Chantel's real name when his wife shushed him.


So if they didn't exchange vowels with each other's real name, how is it a legally binding marriage?


As real and legally binding as Ross and Rachel's nuptials or any other TV wedding. The marriage papers obviously can't use aliases if that actually was a real wedding. But anyone who thinks Chantel's wedding was REAL with those perfectly timed and suspenseful entrances by mommy and daddy and brother Humpty -- well I have some beautiful land in the Georgia swamps I'd like to sell you.


So if they didn't exchange vowels with each other's real name, how is it a legally binding marriage?

I'm sure it's a typo but I just have to correct that. VOWS, not vowels. lol If I had made that mistake (and I've made some doozies), it'd drive me nuts!

But, yeah, I was kinda on the fence; but that ridiculous, OMG, will they show up moment was the most horribly contrived one I've seen in a while. SO fake. We are THAT worried about an inheritance that won't take place for, say, another 30 years? So stupid.

Oh, sorry, this is about Nicole. I think Nicole is the gift that keeps on giving, meaning the producers don't really have to interfere too much to craft a story line.

Nicole: I have to get a co-sponsor. (leaving the question hanging out there)
Mom: You mean me? (Mom's not stupid)
Mom: No, I will not do that.
Nicole: Well, I'll just give you more time when we're more clear headed.
Mom: Yeah, no, I'm pretty clear headed, Nicole. (I loved her mom at that moment)

I wish there had been some push back, though, in another episode (or earlier in this one) where she was whining, Waah, it's MY life, why is everyone telling me what to do? Mom should have reminded her that she is pretty much NOT living her life as she is still being supported, I think, by Mom and stepdad and sister is doing a LOT of raising of her child. If you are still living your life as a child at 23, relying on your family to fix your messes, you don't really get to claim that you are a full-fledged adult. She has not done ONE thing that proves she can manage her own life, let alone be responsible for someone else.


Sorry to have offended. My-B. Vows, not vowels. Got it, okay, let's move on now.

