MovieChat Forums > Extinction (2015) Discussion > My problems with this movie

My problems with this movie

1. If Patrick/Jack hate each other that much, why do they live next to each other?
(I know Lu's Patrick's daughter, so he probably wanted to keep an eye on her.)

2. If Lucy (I assume her name is) is Patrick's daughter, and the mother (Emma) has been killed..
Why don't you claim/take your daughter, move far away instead of let your kid stay with some @sshole you don't even like?

3. Why would you put your daughter in a basement where there's access to the outside, or it has at least where those creatures can come in from the outside?
She would have been much saver in a closet or garage.

4. After they met the girl (who was pregnant) shoots off the creature, suddenly the rest of them creatures start to surround them.
But between the time Patrick chained him and they found the girl, there was already (at least) 48 hrs passed.

Why didn't the creatures showed up earlier, but only after the preggie killed that single creature?

5. After the girl said "I believe they're in the walls" and you put your ear to wall and hear a creature crawling down.
Why don't you shoot some bullets into the wall?

6. If you live for 9 yrs in the same empty town without any new provision of supplies, how can you still find food in any of the other houses?
Why not ransack the houses and store all the food/ammo at one place?

7. After Patrick got attacked by the creature Jack 'refuses' to shoot.
Jack doesn't 'turn', but still let's himself killed on the end of the movie.
I would have shot Jack a silver one between his eyes.

"Gar nicht so übel, du kleine Schlampe. Man sieht sich immer zweimal, Kleine."


All good points. This wasn't a good movie by any stretch.


*I, too, see things wrong with this movie.

1. Jack says, "I know everything." I thought, But he doesn't know about the big hole in the chain link fence. Apparently, he's become complacent and doesn't even bother to check the perimeter of their abode.

2. The student vs. teacher scene really bothered me. What sort of father would have engaged in such undignified behavior, allowing his daughter to act as his superior?

3.// -Who lights a lantern, to see through a window? Kinda makes it hard to see out there in the dark.

4. The girl is disobedient, choosing to not brush her teeth. Her "father" who knows everything is unaware of that.

5. Whence comes the electricity for Jack and Lu's house? From his "enemy"? When the generator ran dry of gas, the lights didn't go out in Jack's house.

6. So, Patrick was out with his dog, shopping, and along comes a monster. He then flees like a scared rabbit, instead of drilling the critter. Who goes out without a weapon? So. It turns out that he had a rifle with him, but didn't use it at the shop. Lame. I know, it's only a movie.

7. So, Patrick is running wide open on his sled, and hits a downed tree that's across the road. It had obviously been there for at least a day, but he was taken by surprise.

8. Jack isn't good at firearms training. I won't elaborate.

9. Lu, disobedient as usual, goes out through the hole in the fence (good thing stuffed rabbit was guarding) and then Jack runs to her rescue, without a weapon.

10. The monsters could easily scale the fence.


Did you watch the movie with the volume down or something? I say that because most of your questions are pretty silly. Also, the creature Patrick had chained up, had been calling out to others and already talking too, since he got it. If you'd of actually listened, you'd of heard this. My guess is that attacked because the girl killed it. That was kinda obvious I thought. So was the reason they still lived next to each other, the reason Patrick didn't kill jack after he didn't help him and the reason they didn't just shot aimlessly into walls lol. I don't even know what question 6 means.


Have to agree with Marcey - both the questions from taravilyaion and Mr early seem as though they didn't watch the whole movie.

To answer a few from taravilyaion

2.he was an alcoholic and didn't feel he could raise her
3.he explained he thought the basement was secure as the windows were too small for the creatures. Obviously he didn't know they could get in the walls
5.towards the end they run low/out of ammo - blindly firing into the walls at creatures you can't see isn't conservation of limited ammo
6. Presumably they did store food. As it runs out they have to go further and further a field to gather more resources and are limited as to how much can be transported in one go. One on foot other had a sledge. Neither ideal for hauling food for miles. Watch the walking dead - same thing happens there

To answer a few from mrearly

6. It was apparent they hadn't had to deal with any monsters for a longlong time. Hence he said they were back at one point I believe.
7. Nothing to say he went out and came back via the same route plus he is being chased by a predator riding the sledge one handed whilst firing a gun
9. Instinct. By the time he went to get the gun, load it etc Lu would have been dead. If you have children you would know. It's the opposite of the scene where he could have shot the monster on Patrick.
10.the monsters could scale the fence however there were walking dead spikes at the base of the fence that would have been a deterrent


All I have to say is, exactly. And also, sorry for the errors in my comment. Pretext can be a bitch sometimes lol.


What's a sledge?


You're kidding right?

*I know that I am stupid but when I look around me I feel a lot better.*


No why you ask?

I guess you know Bob, if I see you again I'll just start shootin and figure it's self defense-L Bill


My mistake. I assumed most people knew what a sledge is. Also if you don't
know or understand something the best solution is to Google or research it.
