
I'm not sure why it took me so long to watch this. I really enjoyed Dogtooth and was looking forward to this, then I just kind of forgot about it until it showed up on Amazon Prime. I'm glad I had already seen Dogtooth because I was prepared for the tone of this, but I actually enjoyed this a lot more. And this was funnier as well (not that Dogtooth wasn't funny).



I loved it and am glad to see Farrell get a GG nomination. Comedy/Musical? Eh? Nope. Just a chance to suspend disbelief and let your imagination go and not worry too much if love is blind. Or not.

I didn't see it until recently, but I kept going back to the ending to see if there was even a sound! I'm going to watch it again, and soon, just to see how many times David makes his obsession made known.


I think it's an absurdist comedy -- try reading some of the quotes without at least a wry smile. But it's purpose is serious, IMHO, to be the kind of social satire, however extreme the depiction, that allows us to reflect on our own nature, individual and social. In this case primarily the rules we adopt, singly and collectively, around relationships, even when we fancy ourselves part of some revolutionary rejection of social mores (or an ancient adoption of celibacy, living a monk's life in the forest). Everyone in the movie seems to me to be self-consciously following a script. But then again, that might just be me being pretentious . . .


I laughed throughout the movie.


You have a very strange sense of humor, todd.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.



i, too, had lost it into the deepest recesses of my memories until i saw it on amazon prime,
& now i've just watched it

Lee's Daniel's' THe Butler'


My condolences.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Dude, you've commented on every single thread on this board.

No f@cking sh`t lady does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza!


And your point would be.....?

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


The gentleman protesteth too much.


For someone who thinks this movie is c@#$, you seem obsessed with it because you keep coming back to throw cold water on anyone who says they liked it. You need to get a life and move on and let those who liked it discuss it without your moronic replies.
