My review

Terrible. Worst movie of 2015, hands down. 3/10.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


The only good thing about the forums being shut down is that no one else will have to deal with obsessed lunatics such as yourself.

Still complaining about a 2015 film in 2017? Desperate for attention much? Or are you just trying to make the most out of it while you still can?

What a sad little man you are.

Seek mental help, please.


Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?




Oh giraffe, that was not a nice thing to say. Regardless, I shall miss you. Take care, my friend.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
