
I was willing to give this a chance, but it turned out to be one long cringefest.

"How much do you love her? On a scale of 1 to 15."

This movie was almost as bad as Her. They could have at least made the effort to go full on slasher and shown the "transformation room", cutting off people's skin, removing their organs, and magically transforming them into peacocks and flamingos.


Her was an amazing film, but this one blows.


The whole "phone sex with a computer which cannot have emotions" went far deeper into the uncanny valley than cgi stormtroopers ever did. The ending to that was just as ridiculous as the whole premise of this film.


You lack imagination if you dismiss the possibility that a computer, in the future, could have emotions.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


Agree. "Her" was lovely. "The Lobster" was dreadful; total disappointment.


Her was indeed lovely (my favorite film), and this one was a definite disappointment but not quite "dreadful" IMO. It had its moments.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


It's depends on how took you the ending scene. Was he really gouge out his own eyes ? I think he did . So according to your scale I give 15. It's only my own point of view.


The ending only deserved a 4.2 out of 9. No, I highly doubt he actually did it, he was far too much a "wussy" to stab out his own eyes (the cut to her sitting there alone). The other chick got what she had coming to her though, so that was alright.

The whole core of the story was about finding a mate or getting turned into an animal, and they hardly even scratched that. Sure they showed random animals running around, his brother was a dog, blondie got turned into a horse....other than that everything else was supposed to be chalked up to magic? technology?

Shoot, 1984 only has a 7.2 at the moment and that is far superior movie.


It was funny to read the OP. Just shows how brainwashed by the regular formulaic *beep* American cinema people are. Something new and original comes along, and if it doesn't have visuals for cutting people's skin off, it's instantly boring. Wow. Just wow.

"Just as bad as Her"? OP, are you referring to the highly praised and successful, Oscar-winning, critically acclaimed, original, box office success? Yeah, maybe go back to reading your Batman comic books. I'm sure they're better.


HER was total nonsense in every "sense" of the word. highly praised, successful and oscar winning warrant absolutely no merit in my mind.

Its clear after Anomalisa that Spike jones is absolutely nothing w/o Kaufman. Anomalisa was one of the best films I've ever seen, while HER felt like pure hipster garbage compared to what Kaufman is doing now w synecdoche ny, and anomlalisa

and isn't the go back to read comic books or watch transformers comment beyond old now?



ohhhh weawwy???? otay fhanks for the advice. I'll go do just that.

But a movie about a guy who falls in love with an os is not very deep. Being connected more to the technology in the world than we are to each other isn't that deep of a thought. Its almost just common knowledge now.

Like i said Spike Jones is nothing w/o Kaufman. Same w Michel Gondry, neither of them have made a good film w/o Kaufman. Anomalisa is one of the best films of this decade.

"essence of that film" do you know how pretentious you sound?

fyi i grasp the "essence" of every film i watch. just because someone doesn't like something you like or isn't afraid to call out bs on it doesn't exactly mean they did not understand it.


No. Anomalisa is the one that is overrated--you've got it backward. I do love Kaufman's other films though.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


Anomalisa overrated, you must be joking??? I just threw up in my mouth a little. I think you've got it backwards.

Synchdoche, NY was a better film than anything Jonze or Gondry have done since they stopped working w Kaufman.

It wasn't that I didn't understand a computer can't have emotions in the near future, what I said was its not that original of an idea for film, esp since its pretty much common knowledge now that ppl would rather talk to someone on the phone or on the computer than face to face these days.

Anomalisa spoke much more about humanity 2 me than some guy walking around talking to his phone or the computer the whole time. Also, just wait for Personal Shopper, completely tears HER into shreds......

Seeing HER once was more than enough. I can watch Anomalisa endlessly........


If you click the link in my sig, you'll see that Her is my #1 ranked movie (of 1335 that I have ranked). Synecdoche New York is #4. Anomalisa is #544 (although that's still a decently positive position). So we just disagree very deeply on at least two of those three.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


Agree to disagree! understood, ill check out the list you have.

Seconds is one of my fav films, quality work all around & some of the most mind bending camera work ever! But check out Images again, thats possibly my favorite Altman film next to McCabe.


Good call on Seconds. A true hidden gem. I wish Frankenheimer had done more mindbending movies in the '60s (Manchurian Candidate is another favorite of course).

On Images, did you see my post on its board?
My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


Very true about Frankenheimer, I'd wish he'd done the same........But yes, Manchurian and Birdman of Alcatraz are 2 other favs of mine.

I did not see that post, but it's interesting that you mention the score. I was never really a John Williams fan, I always thought his scores were completely overbearing. But for some reason in Images, I just love that way it fits w Altman's Editing & Cinematography tricks even if the score is a little overbearing like all William's scores. I'm a huge Vilmos Zsigmond fan.

I will admit it is pretty much just Williams doing Bernard Herrmann though. The Images score also reminds me of the Sisters score a little bit, I think someone else mentioned this, another one of my fav psychological/thrillers. I love DePalma also.


I haven't watched any DePalma in a long time; I've been wanting to go back to see if his detractors or fans are more on point. As a kid I was mesmerized by seeing Body Double on pay cable.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


Nice! I actually just watched Body Double on bluray not that long ago..........One of my fav 80s films.

The documentary DePalma is excellent and I highly recommend watching it even if you are not that into his his films.



Yeah, I've heard from several authoritative sources that it's really good.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


me too, mostly because of the hottest woman ever in it Melanie Griffith being sexy and maybe, hopefully showing nudity in it. Depalma is according to tarantino the best director who started in the '70s. and that is saying a lot. you should watch passion.


I've seen Passion, love that one also......I'm pretty sure I've seen almost every De Palma film, even the shorts. He's one of my favorite directors of all time. And yeah, Lobster is by far 10/10 for me......


I don't understand this, why are all the people on this post saying that 7.1 is too high? I thought that this post was about 7.1 being too low. this is a great film that is not like any other movie ever made. it's ground breaking. it's life changing, life affirming. it's so original and refreshing and powerful and memorable. so for it to be at 7.1 is a travesty. they are saying it's just average basically. this film is a 8.5 out of 10 film at least on imdb. rotten tomatoes has it at 83% right now.


You're right. 7.1 is shocking. I gave it my first 9 in years.

I think this will be remembered loooooooooooooooooong after 'Her'. I think it will be studied in film schools. It has a lot of the humour and comic genius (mixed with real darkness) of a Harold and Maude or Clockwork Orange.

When people say a commercially released film feels 'slow' I usually just chalk that up to personal taste. Movies that are released in wide release like this are almost -never- truly 'slow' (as in French art house movies of the sixties or German Expressionist movies of the silent age). Millions of people do -not- go to see truly 'slow' movies where 'nothing happens'.

I can see why some people would object to the ending (which I don't think is strictly necessary to the film's message) but take that away and I think the movie is almost (not quite but almost) a masterpiece. Some of the jokes are simply fantastic and a LOT of the messages about relationships and the shallowness of modern society -really- resonate with me.

Why? I came into this game for the action, the excitement... Listen, kid, we're all in it together.


I give it a 3, my first one in years.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


I usually cringe when people say "You just didn't understand it," but that's usually because they're talking about movies like Dawn of Justice, but in this case, I think it actually applies.


I gave it a disappointing 5, and my girlfriend concurs.
There were some laugh-out-loud moments, and some very intriguing, thought-provoking ideas. I wanted to like the film more than I did.

But we both felt it kept shooting itself in the foot: the film was disjointed, awkward flow, several confusing & unexplained transitions, and with an ending that was heavy-handed and reinforced the theme of conformity, but Wow, at what price! It was cringing (although I imagine that's what they wanted).
It had the conflicting feel of being at once 'too long' as pointed out in several other threads, AND 'too short'. I figured it was based on a novel, as there were several characters who I thought might be better fleshed-out in the book than they were in this film. The parents of the Lone Leader come to mind. And the scene where the Leader thanks the Hotel Maid... seemed as though there was more story there that was just omitted from the film! Many things were just a bit off......


I thought the "scale of 1 to 15" thing was quite funny, actually: a highlight of this very uneven film. But then I also disagree with you (to say the least) about Her, which is my #1 of all time, out of more than 1300 films I've ranked (see my sig).

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


I don't see what Her has to do with this, but I'd pick that movie over this any day.
Anyway.. I agree this movie was a cringefest.
