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Viewers: Track down original Swedish version rather than neutered US one

It's much funnier in its original form--for instance tonight's episode works much better when the subtitles change from 'calm yourself down' to basically 'F U' when he yells out the window--especially since he has no idea what is being said. Plus the "nudity blurs" and other changes for US airing are are rather grating.


In Sweden do they show nudity on TV shows?




We have no filter in that regard, except no nudity on children's shows.

I'm 45 and I've seen the occasional nipple or bush on TV since the 70's. We don't censor explicit language either, the Swedish equivalents of the F- and the C-word won't get bleeped out... and odds are you'll hear them on public and commercial radio and TV a few times a day, any time of day.

Perplexingly, the country has not been sucked into a vortex of violence, debauchery and general mayhem from this. We're fine. You would be too.


Yea I agree that seeing nudity on TV and hearing a few swears won't ruin anyone. The US overreacts.


That's because Sweden isn't burdened by the Puritanical Hypocrisy we wrap ourselves in here in America.


I remember seeing butts on Ronja Röverdotter :)
Though maybe you mean sexual nudity.

There is no such thing as too much time


Butts AND penises as well as a birth scene and a death scene. And that was a family movie~ Which goes to show that we consider nudity, birth and death a normal part of life and not obscene or horrible things that children should be shielded from.

I've always loved Ronja Rövardotter~


Well, it DOES happen on some occasions nudity is blurred out or some swearing is bleeped in a show. However, it happens very rarely and nowhere near as extreme as in the US even then.


So this is a foreign show? Not an adaption? Maybe they will release an uncut version on BR then.


i'm assuming the original version won't have english subtitles for the swedish parts though, would it?


The DVD in Sweden has both Swedish and English subtitles. You can also find subtitles at places such as subscene or podnapisi.




Wouldn't the Swedish DVDs be region 2 only?


Yes, region 2 PAL only in Europe. Luckily I live in the UK so will have no problems watching this! If you purchase it, there are ways of 'ripping' the DVD, then returning it for either region 1 or region free... I'm off to Stockholm in 3 weeks and will be buying this!


Another place to find subtitles is


I just got the original Swedish DVD and you are correct !! The US munged so much of it that the funny stuff isn't there which is why most American's don't get it.

You have to watch the original version !! It's just insane !! Also the US version didn't show 1 of the episodes. US only showed 9 episodes.


Gotta agree, its how its meant to be viewed .. cant beleive that one star review on the main page


I have see this show basic in sweden after when NBC send it am normaly downloads it and i can see U.S cut alot into epesiode and remove some stuff.
