Script was a draft...

I watched the movie... I think Django was so good because Tarantino was sitting on the idea for a long time. He talked about the idea of DU in 2007, so he probably had a idea a few months before that. (So about 3-4 years of script development). If The hateful Eight wasn't leaked, Tarantino wouldn't read the criticism and might have had more time to write freely and creatively. I don't think this is the end for Tarantino, all he needs to do is just sit back and take some time to think of more ideas. Please for the love of god, don't do Kill Bill 3.


The end of what ?


I thought of this as well. Hateful 8 had potential to be another great, but definitely felt 'thrown together'. Felt like that either due to his editor or his writing.

Django he brewed for 5 years.. Inglorious Basterds he wrote 10 years prior to releasing it.. I'm sure his first 4 movies were brewing his whole life. Hateful 8 he probably had the idea for a bit (one room western of bad guys with mystery) but he wrote it in less than a year and then they shot it in a few months and it showed. I mean the actual movie was 90? of the leaked script which was labeled 'first draft'.. he never had time to perfect his ideas so they felt really thrown together. Which is unlike Tarantino. Like Django he wants to have an unexpected shootout.. And he proceeds to have a contender for best shootout ever.. Where imagine instead it was just 'okay' and he quickly shoots his way out nothing more. Idk if that's a good example but you get what I mean.

Everything was just a lesser version of what he's done before or his new idea wasnt ready yet. Mystery element? Mediocre. Tension? Mediocre. Western dialogue? Meh. The only scene he had done fully Tarantino level impressive was the blowjob scene and that sums up how poor or rushed this was for Tarantino. The carriage ride was well done, but needed editing, way too long.

Could and should have been amazing! :(


Considering the movie grossed three and a half times it's production cost, and that's before DVD, streaming and cable income, the Weinsteins are whistling to the bank.
