Kittens :(

The movie was a lot of fun, I could really relate to the girls and felt so good watching them having troubles! Haha!
But I got really sad about the kittens, how could they just leave them like that? :(


I know! In an aluminum box, I feel like that could get dangerously hot for them. Plus they were so small, I don't really know much about cats but could they even climb out of that? That was pretty upsetting, took me out of the movie a bit.

edit: Finished the movie, at least they called 911 and warned about the cats I guess


The 911 operator's intense alarm over the kittens' well-being was the funniest part of the movie.


Well animal control was on its way and there was a note at the end of the credits saying the kittens actually enjoyed their time with the film all's well that ends well. Hope you sleep better knowing this.


It's a movie, so we know the kittens are fine and were really not left there. What is important though is how that kitten situation illustrates major things about the girls characters, mindset and detachment from reality. BTW I really
Liked this film and thought it was well made, hilarious at times and beautifully acted.


I think leaving the kittens was a brilliant filmmaking choice.

It kind of shows how incubated these girls were and how unprepared they were for the real world. There's this standard formula in filmmaking called "Save the Cat" which means to humanize your characters by having them do something nice so the audience identifies with them - the filmmakers pull of a twisted magic trick by having them save the cats... and then showing the consequences of their actions.

Even their attempts at compassion has unintended consequences. The whole film shows how their YOLO lifestyle doesn't take into account the aftermath of their actions.

I wrote a more formal review, but I do think that this is one of the most humanist and best films of the year:


Thank you for that point of view!
I usually don't read into why I feel the way I do because of what is happening in a movie, but this will make me look at it in other ways.


Relate to them??? You related to 2 vapid, useless gobs of whale sperm?
