Count the plot holes

Plot holes aplenty in this incredibly amatuerish production. And in addition to that, Kelly Lynch's story about how Jack Warner almost gave her the part in Dark Victory. DARK VICTORY? A movie that was make 60 years ago???? What the hell was the writer/director drinking when he wrote that?

There is no "off" position on the genius switch.


"The Frontier" takes place in the mid-sixties. So at that point "Dark Victory" was around 20-25 years old.


Lol. OP is a jackass.


Did you see a single smartphone in the movie? They never said the date in the movie. Not a plothole


The most notable plot hole in my eyes happened when the girl revealed to the thugs that she knew about the money they were waiting for. Why on Earth would she reveal that? She put herself in mortal danger doing that. And why didn't the thugs kill her after that or at least tie her up and toss away somewhere? That part of the movie didn't make much sense. Other than that, it was an OK indie thriller.
