MovieChat Forums > E-Team (2014) Discussion > How does a nation/faction actually fight...

How does a nation/faction actually fight a humane war??

This is not a philosophical question, but an honest to god attempt at answering the literal details of how a nation/faction can fight a war in today's age of urban warfare with unconventional/guerrilla fighters(this is nothing new, but these types of fights seem to becoming all the more typical, rather than your earlier 20th century wars of two opposing armies and front lines..)

Please, keep in mind, that I do not advocate the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, random executions of civilians or any deliberate and obvious atrocities of the sort. (The work human rights watch does is very important, and i am not in anyway critiquing them, at all.)

Having clarified that point, I pose this question;
Given the conditions I laid out above, how is a force supposed to close with the enemy, hiding in a densely packed, urban environment, in a humane way?? In order for these forces to complete their mission, they are going to have to bring some level of firepower down on the enemy that is presumably hiding amongst civilians.. So, how in the hell is a humane war, or to put it more accurately, a war without an inherent degree of human rights abuses and crimes against humanity, ever possible under these circumstances?? I mean, no military/paramilitary force on the planet is going to get all of their men killed, going room to room in Every circumstance, just because there May be collateral damage.. No, probably, I would bet, they are just going to call in an airstrike, or mortar/artillery.. I have zero first hand experience of any of this, i am just going off of my own limited knowledge from books/news/media, ect..

But, seriously, this question has been nagging me; How does one conduct a war in accordance with international law/human rights considerations, And complete the mission, with (hopefully)minimal casualty rates on their own side??

Any thoughts on the specific "on the ground" details as to how militaries go about doing this??..
