The Official Trailer Is Out!

And oh my god does it look bad.

There's wooden acting, overacting, great CGI and then absolutely awful green screening. It was shot on video cameras and it shows. Numerous TV shows like Downton Abbey, The Fall and Doctor are shot in HD video and then graded (the colours, contrast and brightness are manipulated to achieve a very convincing film-like look). It seems all they've done is drop frames because video is basically shot at 30fps while film is shot at 24fps. It looks jerky and unwatchable. They did this before with H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds and apparently they haven't learned a thing.

Berlinale begins in less than two days. I doubt this is going to screen there as Pendragon boasted, but if it does, it's going to be hilarious. It's also supposed to be in theatres... possibly like they did with WOTW: The True Story. Just long enough to be eligible for an Oscar. Then they can slap "Oscar Contender" on everything. I can't wait to see this train wreck. Check out the trailer here!!prettyPhoto


Most movies and TV shows are filmed in HD (or rather 2K, 2.5K or 4K) these days, and they're all filmed in 24P.

Digital cinematography is different from "video".

However I don't know what they shot this movie on.



The oddest part: And then Christopher Lambert turns around and is cast as a lead in a Coen Brothers film.

To be fair, he looks like he gives a good performance. But oi, that leading actress was stiff...


