Rank the POTA films.

I haven't seen this one yet.
But I loved the previous 2 so I have high hopes.
Thought the 2nd was better than the first one n hoping this one tops that.

How does everyone rank this trilogy?


I give

rise 8
dawn 9
war 7 but it had picture problems in our cinema and was really dark to see hopefully it will be much better after seeing the 1080p download I have now.


Everything after the original movie is stupid. At least the first one had an excuse for being a little crude, plus Charleton Heston.


It's the same way I rank the Star Wars Original Trilogy (ESB, ANH, ROTJ):

Dawn, Rise, War

Dawn and Rise are satisfying to watch all the way through. There are many scenes and sequences in War that feel too contrived, like Matt Reeves and his cowriter were in a rush.


I think the first one was the best. I liked the second and the third as well. The only thing that bothered me is that they showed humans in the third part as complete idiots. It became cartoonish, where I hoped a serious approach as it was in the first sequel.


1. Rise
2. Dawn
3. War


Ranking The Of The Planet Of The Apes Franchise Films-(My Favorite)
1. Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes-9/10
2. Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes-8.5/10
3. Planet Of The Apes(Remake)(2001)-8.5/10
4. War Of The Planet Of The Apes-8/10
5. Planet of the Apes-9/10
6. Escape from the Planet of the Apes-/8/10
Have Not seen The Others In A LONG Time So can't rank them



1. Rise
2. Dawn
3. War


That is no easy task, especially because the original works honestly worked much better back then that they do on rewatch in this age... so my list has a mix of sentimentalism, nostalgia and what I think is good storytelling, and not mere objective quality... here goes:

1) Planet of the Apes (1968)

2) Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)

* 3) Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (2011) *

4) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)

* 5) Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (2014) *

6) Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)

7) Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)

* 8) War Of The Planet Of The Apes (2017) *


9) Planet Of The Apes(Remake)(2001)

[I struggle as I think Battle is overall better told than War. It has no true flaws like I think War has. But to be fair Battle is the weaker of the originals and surely not as beautiful as War and not perhaps really that important to the story Ark - which War after all is. Alas, I put Battle above War...

The last on my list, i could have done without. All the others are wonderful in each their own ways]
