Ape vs Ape interesting question?

If an ape with human level intelligence that was partially "civilized" which I put in quotes since they are still capable of going into animalistic rage (humans are too) had to fight a regular ape, one that is like a real life ape that did not acquire human level intellect would the ape with human level intellect be at a disadvantage? Sure intelligence helps in a fight as I learned in martial arts training years ago but someone who is purely animalistic can be crazy and unpredictable and totally lacking in inhibition. If an intelligent human living in the city had to fight Tarzan or some crazed wild human they might lose due to the unpredictability factor. What I am wondering is would one of the apes in this story lose if he had to fight a wild ape that lacked human intelligence due to the dumber ape not just being more unpredictable but maybe even more in touch with it's "wild side"?


Let's make a Discovery Channel special about it and find out.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


You're talking about A tactician versus pure power.. I'd say Tarzan was more animal than human, not even the best Mma fighter in the world could deal with that kind monster.. Ape vs Ape tho, I think the wild ape loses.. You seen Cesar go into rage mode on komba, but quickly revert back.. They're still wild animals, they can't think of 30 ways to win the fight, usually rely on pure power.. Tarzan vs human tho, raw power will win all day.
