Paul Blart III in the works

Paul Blart III: Maya Blart, Fatter Cop

Stars: Melissa McCarthy

Synopsis: it's been 25 years since infamous fatty Paul Blart patrolled and protected an LA mall. Maya Blart, his daughter and successor, now patrols the same mall. Fat shenanigans run amok when 20 armed men take control of the food court in attempt extort all of the freshly made food to the black market for triple the $$$. They decide to start at the mall's prized Cinnabon, unaware that this is fatty's favorite. With Maya being much Fatter than the previous fat cop, and Cinnabon being her dangerous weakness, she and and unlikely band of mall heroes must find a way to save the day, with danger around every corner...

Release date: 2018

Tagline: 3 times the food
3 times the fat
3 times the danger


Your post almost had as many chuckles as Mall Cop 2....almost.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


*slow clap*


That is a brilliant concept. I reckon that it'll be green lit before we know it.
