Dork it down, Tyler!

Tyler is FAR too over the top with his interactions with the the other guests of the show. It is offensive... as if it were the stench of not properly wiping his butt, topped with not showering.

Dylan Sprayberry, great job! The only cast member sincere enough to not be a pretentious douchebag when asked what happens next week. OF COURSE YOU GUYS KNOW... it's already been "shot". The show comes on late enough that the kiddies should be in bed. I get that there are a ton of groupies watching and this should be a fun show, but please review how condescending the show truly is to the viewers. I only watch for the previews, but it is becoming more painful to endure by the episode (specifically this season).


Then don;t watch ... it is truly that simple. The fact you feel a need to search out a site to place a negative comment about it shows just how much control the show has over you and frankly that is sad. Just pointing out the obvious, sorry ...


I watch for the previews... Therefore I am seeking a show that is a bit more tolerable.

That said, I share opinions, that a producer, director, or actor have a bit of insight as to the concerns of their audience. Hence, I am sharing free market data, which does not have to be purchased by surveys.

I do these things to impact (what I hope to be) positive change, for something that I used to find enjoyable.

As far as you are concerned, I couldn't care less. I will always attempt to be a part of "The process" in regards to projects, for which I find appreciation...

If you do not appreciate comments, or forums which allow feedback...

...Then the truth of the matter is that you are on the wrong platform.

Amazon has IMDB running with a comment section, so you have 2 options:

1.) Get them to shut down the comments section


2.) Remove yourself and your simplistic "groupie mindset" from this platform, and start magical, happy, special little fan club. That way you can hold hands, sing kumbayah and share the same ideals and mindsets, without being challenged...

...much like, oh, I don't know...

...The Nazis, The Ku Klux Klan, Facists, and everyone else opposed to different points of view.



Much improved this week. Thank You


You're right though,he needs to dial it back.
