Monologue Jimmy vs. "Real" Jimmy

So I've noticed that in his monologue Fallon seems to have much more of a bite to some of his jokes than he pretty much ever seems willing to exhibit in any other portion of the show. So much show that he's often lambasting someone in his monologue one day then having them on his guest segment the next and doing his whole kissass buddy buddy "you're the greatest thing ever" shtick. Is this just a result of him probably having a different writer doing his monologue than the rest of the show? How much do people think Fallon is involved in the actual writing of the monologues?


The show after the monologue (and maybe an extra like Thank You Notes) isn't written for him. You really don't think that do you?

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain


If it's not written for him, who exactly is it written for?


It's not written at all after the monologue.

You think he's reading cue cards while he's interviewing people?

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain


No, I don't think that at all, but you weren't clear in what you meant initially. ;)


What? Are you kidding me? After the monologue there's probably something like 65% of the show that is still written. You don't seriously think that they just freestyle the guest segments? Why do you think he goes in and talks to the guests beforehand on every episode? It's so he can go over what they're going to talk about with him. He asks them to think up funny stories beforehand as well as give him a chance to spitball joke ideas. I realize they're not entirely scripted...but they're certainly not off the cuff. Besides that, everything leading up to the guest segments is completely written.

Regardless, I wish that he would be more like his monologue persona and am curious who is doing most of the actual writing for that, if not Jimmy himself. I'm assuming it's not him because the monologue Jimmy tends to be much wittier and sarcastic and underhanded (a la Letterman...) than what i perceive to be Fallon's more realistic persona in the guest segments. Even that I question, however, as Fallon seems to be a bit of a chameleon who was essentially manufactured for this job since a young age.


There's a difference between writers writing dialogue and what you're talking about. Everyone knows that the guests know beforehand what they're going to talk about before they walk out on stage.

Nothing is written FOR them.

But if you want to believe that real life interaction is written by writers? Fine. I don't care.

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain


All hosts will have bullet points or note cards with talking points and questions for each guest; How are the spouse and kids, I hear you had a bit of a scare recently, ect. Doubtful it is one hundred percent structured.

Next time I'll just die on the river so Sam can see a waterfall.


That's what I'm saying. But nothing is structured at all (other than a few talking points that are hashed out earlier in the day).

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain


The main thing is when Jimmy is doing the monologue he is being funny and is open. When he is sitting face to face with a guest he has to be polite because he is the host. It's the same reason you or me will express our dislike of a neighbor, loved ones friend, teacher, ect but when we are face to face we don't say "Your an *beep* and I can't believe my whatever is friends with you"

Next time I'll just die on the river so Sam can see a waterfall.
