Mind blown *spoilers*

Okay, now I feel kind of dumb because everyone is saying how obvious it was.... but for me I realized Eve wasn't real about the same time as Lila. I'm no expert movie critic or anything... but I thought it was a very good movie! But then again I've never seen fight club so I guess the concept was new to me.


Don't feel bad, you're not the only one. The few who say they figured it out near the beginning just like to brag because they have little else in their lives to feel good about.



Well, dumb or not I didn't expect it and the filmmakers must have thought most people wouldn't either. I haven't seen Fight Club and so that may have helped (in me not expecting it, too).



I think being a "Fight Club" fan helps a great deal in noticing the twist early on because the Viola Davis/J-Lo relationship mirrors the Ed Norton/Brad Pitt relationship in a lot of ways. It hit me about 30 minutes in when Patrice from the support group is having one of her "bad times" and behaving as if her son were still alive. I paused, started thinking about Davis' character and any mental delusions she might be having as a result of her grief, recalled all the earlier scenes in the film, and had that "aha!" moment. In fact, I haven't finished watching the film yet. Had to come on here to see if I was right.

I too hate it when people claim a twist is so obvious just to feel smart and superior. I truly saw this one early in the film, but like I said, only because I'm a huge "Fight Club" fan. However, if you've never seen "Fight Club" I'm not sure how you could say the twist is so obvious. In another thread someone compared this twist to the "he's dead" reveal in "The Sixth Sense." No, that one isn't the same. "Fight Club" is the comparison here. How Viola Davis uses J-Lo to deal with her life is set up very similarly to how Ed Norton uses Brad Pitt and there are many little hints even early in the film. I think you only notice this if you're a "Fight Club" fan and I call BS on everyone else who says they saw the twist.

Tears of a rapper...
