MovieChat Forums > Cake (2015) Discussion > Was she faking it?

Was she faking it?

I think she was. She seemed to have a lot of strength when she beat up Little Bill.... There was just too much whining by Jen in this film to find her believable

Mike b


I don't think so. She probably had a rush of rage and adrenaline when she saw him and she mentally displaced the pain, momentarily.


I think you are reading too much into it... she is definitely faking it to get more attention and to take advantage of her Disability Claims.

Mike Bolton


No way faking it. Chronic pain from an accident like that would take years to recover from... plus, she was wincing in pain when alone, so why act then?


So was she acting or not? I don't understand. I think she did a terrible job acting like she was in pain... I mean, she wasn't in pain at all because she was doing a really bad job faking it and stuff.

Mr. B


NO! have you never been so enraged you could throw a car if you had to?! She may have been in worse pain because if it later. But in the moment her rage came first. adrenaline, cortisol, fight or flight. That is why a lot of chronic pain people get into fights. Why do you think they coined the term adrenaline junky???? It is literally a natural high and stops pain even if momentarily.


That has to be the most ridiculous response I've ever read on imdb. And that's sayin's something girl!

Mike B


I would say you are either very ignorant or a troll.


Yes, there is such a thing as an "adrenaline junkie." I discussed your question with psychiatrist Bernard D. Beitman, M.D., Visiting Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. Dr. Beitman notes that although the condition is recognized by the scientific community, the term is not yet an official psychiatric diagnosis and, like "sex addiction," the concept needs to be sharpened and clarified through physiological and interview studies. However, Dr. Beitman tells me that by intentionally putting themselves in danger people like your friend activate their fight-or-flight response. He says that firefighters, police, and individuals who participate in extreme sports all seem to fall into this group. In the presence of perceived danger to life and limb, our adrenal glands pump out large amounts of adrenaline (also called norepinephrine), which is closely related to dopamine ? the chemical messenger in the brain that plays a major role in pleasure and addiction. Danger also triggers the pituitary gland and hypothalamus to secrete endorphins, the pain-suppressing and pleasure-inducing compounds that are mimicked by opiates, including heroin.

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Other examples of the adrenaline high (or "rush") may occur in people with attention deficit disorder who focus better when they are excited by a challenge, probably because their norepinephrine levels are increased, Dr. Beitman says, adding that "drama queens," and people who are driven mainly by anger or hate may also seek the altered state of consciousness associated with increased levels of adrenaline and endorphins.

BASE jumping is an activity likely to attract only adrenaline junkies. The word BASE stands for "Building, Antenna, Span, Earth" all things you can jump off of and "fly" if you're so inclined (here, "Earth" means cliffs). One form of BASE jumping, called wingsuit flying, is like sky-diving, except that you jump off fixed objects wearing a special aerodynamic "flying squirrel" wingsuit. It's designed to help you "fly" by converting downward momentum into forward movement until you eventually use a parachute to land. I've read that BASE jumping is more dangerous than skydiving because the launching pad, whatever it may be, is much closer to the ground than an airplane would be. As a result, you have less falling time and less room for error. The danger increases exponentially when wingsuit-wearers attempt to come as close as possible to sheer canyon walls during their flights. It has been called the most dangerous sport on earth.

The "high" you get from these dangerous activities is similar to the high you would get from cocaine or amphetamine (speed), only more so. The effect of these stimulants is to flood the brain with dopamine; an adrenaline high is similar. To get a high that's beyond what you would get with drugs you have to put your life on the line. People can become addicted to the risk and may have to keep raising the limits to get the reward they seek.

You don't mention whether your friend wants to end this behavior. With any addiction, the addict must want to stop before he or she can do so. Once that happens, I recommend cognitive behavioral therapy as a first step toward a safer life. It can be very helpful in changing thinking patterns that lead to self-destructive behaviors.

Andrew Weil, M.D.


Honestly, I am not sure what point you are trying to make here. I barely got past the first paragraph and then realized that you were likely selling something. And you call me a troll.

By the way, regarding my comment above about your original response being the most ridiculous thing I have read on imdb. It no longer gets top honors.

Please tell Dr. Andrew Weil to kindly kiss my ass.

Dr. Soul-Provider (Mike B).


You are either The Troll of the Year or painfully ignorant. Period. For the sake of mankind I hope it's the former...

Computers are like air conditioners - they stop working properly if you open windows.

