MovieChat Forums > Descendants (2015) Discussion > Questions/Observations.


1) Dove Cameron has a very sweet face and voice. Why cast her as a villain? Yes, I know she becomes good, but I didn't buy her as evil during the first 2/3s.
2) Why cast Keegan Connor Tracy? She reminded of ONCE UPON A TIME, which made me compare it to the movie.
3) There are some threads about changing some of the characters' races. Even if I ignore that, a lot of the characters don't look like their animated versions. Specially CRUELLA with that hair and clothing! And JAFAR's clothes! He actually looks more like the merchant who appeared at the beginning of ALADDIN!
4) What's with the ages? BELLE & BEAST look a little older, while others look like they haven't aged (despite the movie taking place at least 16 years after each movie). And THE FAIRY GODMOTHER is so young!
5) First ONCE UPON A TIME, now this. Why do they insist on putting CRUELLA in fairy-tale cross-overs? 101 DALMATIANS wasn't a fairy tale. It was barely a fantasy film. Cross her over with THE ARISTOCATS, THE RESCUERS, etc.
6) They constantly remind us that this movie is canon to the original movies with all the references. Some of the characters shouldn't be alive, then.
7) Who is MAL's father? Actually, that question can be applied to every young character.
8) Why does BEN insist on bringing specifically the 4 title characters?
9) Why do BELLE & BEAST react the way they did with MALEFICENT but not the others? They claim she's the worst, but that's debatable. Besides, it's not like the others weren't evil enough to guarantee a surprise.
10) JAY and CARLOS' reasons for becoming good, compared to MAL and EVIE's, are very lame and underdeveloped. They didn't have to fall in love, but couldn't it be something else?
11) The ending isn't powerful enough because only 1 of the 4 confront their parent.


On that last point, Carlos didn't need to confront his parent. He just needed to get away from her crushing influence.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Jafar had perfect capability of transporting to Aurodon as well. Except Maleficant and Grimhilde, (That's another thing, WHY DOES EVERYONE CALL HER EVIL QUEEN!?!?) The other villains were completley neglected and were far from their original characters. Cruella should have taught Carlos that he should kill any dog he comes across instead of being an oddball who teaches her son to fear something Cruella would just kill for fur. Jafar was a sinister scorcerer that wanted nothing but power instead of some goofball who owns a store and goes crazy whenever he sees a lamp!


Jafar had perfect capability of transporting to Aurodon as well.

I assumed the force field surrounding the island prevented that.
Grimhilde, (That's another thing, WHY DOES EVERYONE CALL HER EVIL QUEEN!?!?)

She's known by that name. Calling her by her real name would supposedly confuse young viewers. That's also why BEAST's name is never uttered either.


1. I totally bought her as a bad girl. I would think being raised by an evil, vindictive woman would have more bearing on one's personality than her facial features. And also, since you pointed out how Mal is really good deep down, it wouldn't even make sense to have some monstrous woman play her.
2. I actually thought it was kind of fun to be like, "Blue!" when I saw her, and she makes a good Belle, IMO. Honestly, I assumed part of the reason they cast her was because of Once; they may have figured it's the same audience, and viewers would stick with the movie if they knew one of the actors from Once.
3. I loved the Cruella portrayal, but Jafar's was pretty weird. He didn't even seem scary; just a price-gouging salesman.
4. The fairy godmother age thing is odd, yes.
5. I agree on this one. That wasn't even a very popular movie. Maybe because people will all automatically hate a woman who was so murderous toward puppies?
6. True.
7. Gaston? Maleficent did mention him when noticing Jay's muscles. Just a theory, though. That would make it extra interesting, since it would lead to more conflict with the Ben romance if Mal's father is Belle's nemesis.
8. That's never really explained...
9. I don't understand this either. Personally, I think a woman who would brutally murder a 14-year-old because she's jealous of her looks is more evil than a woman who put a breakable curse on a child because she was hurt that she was rejected by her parents.
10. I would have to disagree on this one. I thought Carlos's bond with the one creature his mother taught him to hate was rather touching, and Jay's reason for becoming good was essentially friendship, which is also an important part of life. Either of them could have sang an "If Only"-esque song just like Mal did. Evie's lesson, while important, is less poignant and less tied to the moral of the story, to me. Using your intelligence doesn't necessarily have to do with being good or bad the way accepting and giving love does.
11. I was left wondering how the others would have handled their parents as well.



Yeah, my mom said something like that, and I just figured it's supposed to be a sort of alternate universe where time doesn't really exist. But then they say it's been 20 years since Belle and Beast were married, so...they can't really explain that one away. I guess you just have to accept a certain amount of suspended reality when there's a Disney fairytale mashup involved...


I meant when the force field disappeared and Maleficant transported to Aurodan, Jafar could have gone with her.


1. She not only looked evil in the beginning but acted like it and her performance felt genuine to me. Would you rather someone who looks unpleasant become good?
2. What do both have in common? Both take a different approach to retelling the original fairytales. They hoped that some OUaT watchers might watch because how close they are.
3. Why would Jafar dress up as the position he held in the Aladdin movies? He no longer holds that position. Jafar was great schemer and manipulator. Being a merchant, he could use those same attributes to get rich.
4. Maybe fairies age slower than normal humans. Makes sense.
5. Not sure. All of the villains except for Jafar came out during the 50/60s. Maybe those movies inspired the writers about what their children would be like.
6. They can't pick and choose what parts they want to take from the original?
7. No idea. Does it matter? The kids are already born.
8. Probably because the are the worst of the villain kids and need the most help to mend the island's relationship to Aurodon.
9. I think it's pretty safe to say she's the most powerful of the 4. And evident by the next scene, the one with the ambition to get revenge and take over everything.
10. I agree with number9-4 as to what are their reasons.
11. Doesn't it leave something for the sequel though?

Honorary Knight of Arendelle
Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


1) No, just someone without such a naturally sweet face.
3) He had the same clothes in the sequel.
4) But that wouldn't explain her being younger.
6) Yes... if they didn't want to pretend it's canon.
11) That would be acceptable if it had been treated as a cliffhanger. Instead, it felt like a plot hole.


1. Can't help that.
3. Because he was wearing them when he was trapped in his bottle. Plus the DisneyToon sequels don't really count as canon.
4. Yes it would. If she aged slower, she could look 20 but be 40.
6. This follows the same formula as OUaT which also doesn't directly follow the movies(they follow the original story more than the movies).
11. It showed them on the balcony gazing at their new found freedom. The green eyes was more of cliffhanger but them still being free is as well.

Honorary Knight of Arendelle
Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


3) People have debated about that for a long time, but there are no concrete facts to reach a consensus.
4) I meant that she looked yougner in this movie than in CINDERELLA.
