Ben + Carlos

coulda woulda shoulda. just saying.



The poster shipping Mal and Ben a bit too hard got me thinking about who else to ship:

Carlos and Jane. I just think they would be cute together.
Jay and Lonnie.
Evie and Doug. Let the poor guy in the Friend Zone get the girl for once.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Ben and Carlos are better off as friends. I ship Ben with Mal and Evie with Doug. I like to see Carols fall for Ariel and Eric's daughter Melody and Jane fall for Aladdin and Jasmine's son whoever his name is in the next descendants movie, along with Jay being shipped with Rapunzel and Flynn's daughter and Lonnie being shipped with the son of Scar.


No same sex shippings?

I'd like to see Carlos with Jay or maybe if they introduced the son of Clayton. That'd be fun.

And then maybe they could introduce Melody and ship her with Elsa although at this point Melody would be a bit older so it'd work.


Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Scar a lion?


you mean there first gay couple yeah I wish but isnt going to happen

Ben and Carlos are better off as friends. I ship Ben with Mal and Evie with Doug. I like to see Carols fall for Ariel and Eric's daughter Melody and Jane fall for Aladdin and Jasmine's son whoever his name is in the next descendants movie, along with Jay being shipped with Rapunzel and Flynn's daughter and Lonnie being shipped with the son of Scar.

why it could be there firs gay teen couple

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA

