Great Disney Message!

If your parents are poor and a bit unorthodox, go live with rich people. Mal gets a pass for obvious reasons, but you could tell Jay, Carlos, and Evie's parents cared for them. Maybe not the best parents, but their love was obvious.


Also, ethnic people are evil. All the evil parents were ethnic. Before you say Evil Queen, they were playing her and Evie Jewish!


The son of Prince Charming was a total dick, and he was as white as they come.


You missed the point entirely by sticking with generalities. Did you take a college philosophy class?


You missed the point entirely by sticking with generalities.

And what do you call what you did?


I described the movie, and it's bad against family message!


Yes, but they come from bad families, and the main characters decided not to be the villains their parents were.


Can you people not read? Mal gets a pass on this, and that's it!


The other villains showed love for their kids!


The dysfunctional kind of love that had Carlos terrified of his mother.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Can you people not read?

Being able to read, and believing everything you read are not the same thing. This has nothing to do with whether the kids are poor or not. All four were raised to be villains like their parents, and found out everything they were told about how to live was wrong.


Again, apparently you can not read as I said. The other three parents obviously loved their kids. If you can not see that, you are blind. And, apparently you have learned the same wrong lesson: A rich surrogate parent is better than a poor not perfect parent. Address the issue of how the other three parents did not love their kids, or shut the F up! aka Learn how to debate!


Again, apparently you can not read as I said. The other three parents obviously loved their kids. If you can not see that, you are blind.

And again, it's not an issue of whether or not I can read. It's about whether what I'm reading is true or not. In this case, it isn't. All four villains raised their kids to be as evil as they are. All four put some warped ideas about life and how to live it in their respected kids heads. As far as whether or not the other villains loved their kids more or less than other parents, I think the scene in the kitchen where they're making cookies with the love potion when Mulan's daughter walks in on them should suffice.

And, apparently you have learned the same wrong lesson: A rich surrogate parent is better than a poor not perfect parent.

Wrong again. This isn't a class issue, nor is it an issue of whether a kid's parents are surrogates or not.


Warped and Evil are two different things. The Evil Queen was a typical Jewish Mom. Jafar was just using his kid for financial gain. Cruella was just a doting helicopter parent. None of those are "evil"! It's ok you are stupid!


Do you know what a helicopter parent is? a parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of their child or children. Cruella is the EXACT oppiste of that. Basically she treats Carlos like LT or EQ treated Cinderella/Snow white. Carlos has to look after her "one true love" (ie: furs) if she's been at 'the Spa' she requires Carlos to wash HER 'baby' (ie the CAR). and he sleeps in the equivalent of a DRESSING room on the a MATTRESS with no blanket and NO pillow.


Also, ethnic people are evil. All the evil parents were ethnic. Before you say Evil Queen, they were playing her and Evie Jewish!

And the most evil of them all, Maleficent. What ethnicity were they playing her and Mal? Norse? Couple of fair-skinned blonde (extra white) actors playing those two.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


You missed a few others:

~If you want someone to fall in love with you, drug them.

~To capture audiences hearts, throw in someone in a wheelchair!

~It's okay to break into a building in the middle of the night as long as you're not caught.

~Oh and it's okay to talk with your mouth full...
