MovieChat Forums > Descendants (2015) Discussion > Maybe this is where Disney could introdu...

Maybe this is where Disney could introduce their first LGBT character?

Eventually they're going to have to break into that market somehow. A large part of their fanbase is LGBT+ and have been begging for more representation for decades now. They tried it with the two lesbian moms in that TV show with the baby. I think now that it's legal everywhere they might try something new especially with young people these days being a lot more open minded and accepting than their parents.

I was thinking maybe they could show the character of Carlos as being bisexual/gay since to my knowledge in the movie they really didn't hint at him having a love interest.


no he needs to be gay with Ben

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


I don't really see that happening since he's with Mal. They could easily pair Carlos with another guy.


I don't really see that happening since he's with Mal. They could easily pair Carlos with another guy.

But thats what straights want

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


No, Jay


Jay was interested in a girl so he can't be gay.


I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but there's this great thing called bisexuality


Why? if I may ask
I think discusions like this are unneedet, and please don´t say I´m discriminating someone
I´m in wheelchair, but still it never crossed my mind that everybody in movies should be


Why shouldn't they? Why should every character in every show, in every movie, in every media related project be straight and gender normative? That is excluding a rather large portion of their fanbase. There are a lot of queer people who watch and support Disney.


I'm a little off put about you saying that since you have a disability you can be discriminatory. That's like saying you can't be transphobic because you're gay.


Just because you're disabled doesn't mean you can't discriminate against people

Sorry but you sound like a homophobe


Perhaps Chad could be interested in Doug. The only thing Chad wants with girls is to have them to his school work for him.
