Absolute Horse Sh-t!

Films like this breed ignorance. If the accusations made in this film were even near truthful it would require an über powerful group of Anti-Americans running this country only to sabotage its future. This film introduces a subject, suggests doubt regarding its collective acceptance, then deems that doubt as proof that supports their outlandish deductions. Such as Prescott Bushs' employment in 1942 should somehow conclude decisively that ALL Bush descendants were Nazis?! Hoover (homosexual paranoid schizophrenic) accused Prescott of being a Nazi- for this film proves infallible truth.
The fact that a magazine was sued by a former CIA assassin for slander, for accusing him of involvement in the Kennedy assassination, but won somehow conclusively PROOVES that he was guilty of assassination of JFK??? The entire film digs links by 3-4 degrees of separation as "close connections".
This film is nothing more than *beep* propaganda. The producers, director, and anybody linked to it should be liable for their slanderous crap. I'd relish an opportunity to personally demonstrate my feelings to those responsible for the film.
I discourage viewing for any purpose other than to illustrate what idiotic crap looks and sounds like.


Well no s***. This isn't suppose to be proof of anything. Powerful men did kill Kennedy, his brother, and Kennedy's son. At least that's what I believe. I wouldn't be surprised if a small circle of powerful republicans who were connected to the CIA or FBI or were part of some secret society killed Kennedy. You will never find 100% proof and this movie did a messy job or trying to find possible conspirators to blame, but I wouldn't be surprised if the bush family, LBJ, or Nixon was involved.
