Racial Groups?

OK, what the hell are Rangas, Fobs, Wogs and Curries?????????


Rangas are redheads. Wogs was a British term for Indians and Pakistanis, Australians use it for non-British European immigrants. Fobs means "fresh off the boat" and is used for Islanders. Curries are Indians.


Wait a minute!!! I only saw ONE redhead among the rangas, that guy Graydon. All his other friends have blond or brunette hair. In fact his little brother that they put in the locker is blond, and Jonah said " Why doesn't his mother have red hair like him" when his hair is CLEARLY blond!!!


Through the lens of someone used to seeing only dark hair, I think any light haired person is a ranger to him.


You know, I watched that episode again, and there WERE a lot of redheads in Graydons group. Also, his little punk brother has REDDISH BLOND hair.....


Yeah I was gonna say they all have red hair. You can tell too by their skin tone and freckles as well. Some red heads are just blondish as you said :-)


I noticed another one... "Abo" - slang for Aboriginal?


wogs are italians and greeks not indians and pakistanies


He said that the *British* use the term wog to describe those groups. He also said that in Australia the term wog describes any non-British European immigrant. However, this isn't entirely accurate, as a German or Frenchman would not be considered a wog. I think non-anglo saxon would be the proper term.


germans and french are not anglo saxons


LOL... Germans put the Saxon in Anglo-Saxon. They are the original Saxons, who invaded Britain, dispersing their Saxony all over the island. Basically, and I quote, "a member of any of the West Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and Jutes) that settled in Britain from the 5th century AC and were dominant until the Norman Conquest. AS was also the Language of these tribes."


Fobs means "fresh off the boat" and is used for Islanders.

I'm Oahu-borne, and FOB isn't quite this simple. Amongst "Islanders," FOB typically means "too cheap/poor to catch airplane lidat." Tonga is a very poor island-nation, compared to New Zealand--or even Guam. Islanders from wealthy islands, such as Tahiti, wouldn't be FOB. Ditto islanders from Oahu (wealthy).

Enjoy these words, for one day they'll be gone... All of them.


Fob isn't really race-specific, it just means anyone who's really new to the country, as opposed to the local population, or other immigrants who have been in the country longer. It sounds like a racist term but I've mostly heard it among immigrants and kids of immigrants to describe themselves.
