Episode 2 (spoilers)

I feel a bit guilty about saying so, as I do think this series was made with the best of intentions and had a lot of thought put into it. But, the second episode wasn't as good as the first... Making us presume the man to be executed was Henry, then, after his death, making us speculate who it might be, before revealing it to be someone I hadn't even considered all felt a bit contrived... And, the padre was all over the place - apparently having doubts himself, but very much defending the policy of executing so-called deserters... Military executions have been looked at from the point of view of the man to be executed in works such as the excellent "Private Peaceful" and, while it is set during a different conflict, "Breaker Morant"... I was interested to see something from the point of view of one of the blokes at the other end of the rifles. But, sadly, this was a bit of a mess... Hopefully the third episode will be another good one - the teaser certainly looked good.
