MovieChat Forums > Rush (2014) Discussion > Here be spoiler-y questions

Here be spoiler-y questions

Is his step mom going to chase after him now? She came off as a bit stalker-ish and now with the "old flame" coming back, will this create a love triangle?

I'm going to give it one more episode before I decide whether I should quit it. The only character I like is Rush's assistant and I enjoyed Tom Ellis in The Fades (wow, what a great, but cancelled show) and the few episodes of Miranda that I watched. I'd like to see him in other shows, but this one is a bit boring in boring tv trope ways that bore me.


The Stepmother's arc will always be there as long as he is involve with his family but I don't think it will become a romance relationship between them, there is no future to this relation because there is a child involved.

I don't think 'The Ex' arc is going anywhere except for some episodes, probably we won't see her again this season after tonight's episode.

The problem with this shows is that there is too much patients and characters in every one episode and it's hard to keep paying attention to every character's story.


This show is USA's version of Ray Donovan. I guess we can expect to see more of these types popping up as the trend takes off.


There does not seem to be enough continuity for a love triangle to develop. They both seemed remorseful of what happened. I did wonder if she may becomes pregnant if the show last any longer.


So that was Rush's stepmother telling Rush she was pregnant and the baby was his? Oh my! The ex and/or current girlfriend is really sick. They've avoided that with all this in Vitro baby talk. So who knows what will happen with her? btw, there is only one more episode.
