MovieChat Forums > Allegiant (2016) Discussion > David cant shut down the flying vehicle ...

David cant shut down the flying vehicle thing?

so he can cut off the comms but cant shut it down or disable it, hows that make any sense?


Just finished watching it and I know, right? 😕
"This makes no sense" is the #1 thing that I though throughout the movie (and I had read the book which is more or less worse)


Well this is actually logical. David is a dictator. There are many who not really love him. Imagine when he is flying on his helicopter and someone who has access to his room or some kinda command center ,, accidentally '' pushes the button which can disable jet and crush him. Or autopilot him a big pond full of radiation water.


Lots of people have access to his room. People were coming and going the entire time Tris was up there, including that one guy who didn't seem all that loyal since he told Four about whatever and lied about it to his face and clued Tris in on what was going on.

That David couldn't shut down his own ship is ridiculous. Tris just hopped in and flew off on her own. If she can do that why can't everyone else? Why wouldn't David have a device that's always with him to ensure only he can start/fly/recall his plane?

It's silliness, pure and simple.


The whole ship thing made no sense.

You only have 1 ship that can go in and out of Chicago? Seriously? What if something goes wrong with it and you have an emergency? They also never explained what was special about it in the first place.

The experiment presumably took 200 years? So... How is it that Caleb is so fluent with the computers there? He knows how to hack systems he never saw before made by people with far more advanced technology than he had ever seen?

Why does such a ship having Hacking capabilities in the first place?

And if he could even control certain doors and such as he said, why not have an instant trigger for the gas in the first place?!?!?!?!?


And if he could even control certain doors and such as he said, why not have an instant trigger for the gas in the first place?!?!?!?!?

Don't even get me started on that...

>>>>>Happy dance!


I hated that, too. Facepalm.


Well, David was written to be a complete moron throughout the movie. So that fits.

Like when he brought Tris to the council. He tells her he's bringing her there to get permission to intervene in the chaos in Chicago because he needs their permission, then when they get there she finds out it was just for David to get more funding and he had full authority to intervene the whole time.

What the HELL did he expect to happen when he and Tris got in front of the council? Did he expect her to just stand there while he negotiates for more funding while never bringing up the issue of getting involved in the war that's beginning in Chicago?

It's bad enough to pull such an obvious bait-and-switch on anyone, but doing it to the rebel who just fought her way out of an oppressive class system? Not quite sure how he expected that plan to succeed.
